Meet Jackzz from Singapore, the owner of a cool-looking Kia Rio 5-door.
We have asked him a couple of question about his Rio tuning modifications.
He has told us everything he did so far and shared some awesome pics with us.
Feel free to read the interview below and share some thoughts with us!
Pimped out Kia Rio (interview)
1. How long have you owned your ride?
I’ve owned it for 3 years.
2. Honestly, what was your intention when you bought your car?
For transportation, travel to and from work for me and my wife also for groceries shopping and family outing day.
3. In a few words, describe the style of your pimped Kia Rio.
To me my Rio is my reflection, aggressive, sporty yet nice and tenderly loving family man.
4. What do you like the most about your white Kia Rio 5-door hatchback?
Actually, I bought my Kia mostly because it was cheaper than other makes and models.
I liked the shape of the car, the space for all passengers, the interior and on top of that the head unit which can play DVD. And on top of that i ever squeeze 6 of my friend in the Rio.
5. Is there anything you don’t like about it?
Currently, I got nothing that I would dislike about this Rio.
Pimped out Kia Rio pictures
6. What is it that makes your pimped out Rio look unique?
The Kia Rio bodykit that I installed. It’s a mix and match by BMW, Honda and Hyundai.
7. What Rio accessories have you installed so far?
Accessories that I put on my Kia Rio are:
- Simota open pod filter
- A breather filter
- Raizin VS
- Power Pass
- Fiamm hornVoltage and Vacuum gauges
- A 6.5″ monitor
- 7″ roof monitor and ICE
- rear spoiler for Kia Rio
8. Do you have any future modification plans?
Maybe, I will change the white colour of the car and install the crack pulley, a better horn and cold air intake.
9. Who helped to modify your tide?
I did most of it on my on except some that i need help from friends.
10. How would you pimp your Kia Rio if you had no limits?
I would install 17-inch rims with low profile tyres, color the interior to all black and upgrade the bodykit.
11. What do people say about your vehicle?
They like the Rio bodykit. They say it looks sporty and aggressive.
12. What would you advise to Kia owners who might be looking to customize their cars in future?
Research the internet to find some cool tuning ideas. Try to get good deals on the aftermarket parts and accessories. And last, make sure the workmanship is good and reliable.
Wow! Looking good Jackzz! That is definately a great looking, aggressive car no doubt! A++!!
This rio has an awesome bodykit. I also like the color of his rio. White color is very rare on Rios here in Slovenia. Don’t know about the USA…
In our area Kias in general are popular. Either white or blue is the most popular here. But, they have the black body pieces, unlike this one. I really like what he’s done with it.
very nice Rio check out for performance upgrades.
i would agree with you about the larger rims.
Yeah he really needs bigger rims otherwise a very tastefully kitted RIO. Once he slaps on those 17″ he’s ride will be PIMPED!
wow it’s cool car it’s like subaro …. i like it
hey man i realy like your kia its great looking front bumper i have a kia my self i would love to get a same bumper as the 1 you have can you please if you can tell me what car make did you get your bumper from please.hope to hear from you son as pocibel because i realy wana get my rio pimped.
Hi jackzz,
I really like the way you did up your car… Could you tell me where you got your body kit and spoiler?
It’s so hard to find in Singapore!!!
thanks!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Hi, Jackzz! Look nice of your Rio 5, I’m Malaysian. Kia rio in our country is not very popular..they like Toyota, Honda …so we are hard to find Rio accessories & bodykits to upgrade my Rio. your Rio really great looking. could you tel me you upgrade the Rim 15″ to 17″ , How about your fuel?? will waste more fuel?
woow got to say i use to hate this make… but now having one and trying to modify mine has make my liking to it greater.. surely this one would give me some insperation… cheers
Hi, Jackzz. Wonderful sia. I really like your car. How much u did up for the entire modification. Would like to do somethings like you. Able to give me some good advice. Like where can i get the body kits, and modification. BTW I am from singapore. Thanks…
Hi Jackzz. Nice one. im also a proud owner of Kia Rio back in Sarawak. Actually u can put some 17″ on your rio as what i did with my blue rio. Fabulous. as a matter of fact it handles better and doesnt effect the mileage.
I love how KIA Rios are so controversial.
bonjour, j’habite en Belgique, j’ai une kia rio mais je ne trouve pas de par choc tuning pour l’arrière. pouvez vous me dire ou je pourrai en trouver ? merci
what kind of body kit is that???
Thats awesome as! im in australia and not many people care for Kia’s, im currently thinking about getting on from the hail damaged auctions. so as far as engine goes, is it worth getting? really interested in getting some bodykits and power mods done if i get one.
cheers, and well done on the Kia
Great job last i can find someone that can do something to this as owner of RIO also I can make ur idea to be my inspiration..thanks.
Hey man, nice job on the Rio5. I have an 08 Rio but i can’t find a body kit for it anywhere. Where did you get yours?
@ Justin
Try koreanautoimports’dot’com. They have a lot of body kits and other accessories.
Hey Jackzz,
I have the same make and model. Could you recommend a few places to look for bodykits as I have been looking with no success.
Hope you still have them!
Hey i just got a kia rio and i really want to put a body kit which looks the same as this one because its crazy if it was possible to tell me what parts you put on it
I love the look. I recently purchased a 2007 Kia Rio and would like to customize with the least expense possible. One of the attributes I really like, among others, is the running light covers you have up front. I’m curious as to where I can find some for myself at a good price. No luck in the search so far. Thank you!
_ Josh
Hi Jackzz,
I love the look. I recently purchased a 2006 Kia Rio and would like style it up a bit. I really you body kit and I see there it was mentioned that it’s a mix and match from other make of cars, can you tell me exactly what you did to have your car bodykit come together so nicely, or point me to websites where I can get help? I’m also curious as to where I can find the light covers?
Thank in advance!
Once again “love the look”
hi jackzz,
i realy like your kia its great looking front bumper i have a kia my self i would love to get a same bumper as the 1 you have can you please if you can tell me what car make did you get your bumper from please.
Hey I was just wondering how you installed the side skirts and what type those are, I’d you could give me a link it would help. Thanks!
Hi Jackzz!
These are beautiful!
What is the name of factory, which is made your car body kits? Can you give me his web site adress? Thanks!
Hello Jackzz,
I love too your Kia Rio I have a similar but black. I was wondering one thing where did you find the rear spoiler and headlight eyelids?? Too I would install the same on my car.
wonderful work.
Cool looking rio! Can u give me hint what type of body kits u used for front bumper sides, etc. Please. ..
Jackzz I need to email you personally to start a project like this on my rio hatchback!