Welcome to
1) An introductory video
2) Original Conception of KWAUSO
3) Founder's initial impression of the layout
2) Original Conception of KWAUSO
3) Founder's initial impression of the layout
4) Consequent Facade, Rear, Side and Inner Aspects of KWAUSO
5) Statement of intention
5) Statement of intention
6) Statement of challenge
7) Statement of conviction
1) An introductory video
2) Original Conception of KWAUSO:
7) Statement of conviction
1) An introductory video
2) Original Conception of KWAUSO:
KWAUSO is the name of a SECONDARY SCHOOL Where the word "KWAUSO" stands for the meaning:
“Through and to the honor
of the Merciful Face of Our Lord”
The root inspiration of KWAUSO Secondary School was a long contemplation on the Shroud of Turin. The School was conceived by Fr. Stanislaus Mutajwaha as a good, self-sustaining, non-for-profit Boarding Facility under the ownership of Bukoba Catholic Diocese - Tanzania, that, in the spirit of commitment could offer good and balanced (academic, moral and disciplined) education to all children without discrimination of gender or religion but capable of attending Secondary Education. The School would have always to maintain a keener eye on the children coming from the less economically fortunate background:
4) Consequent Facade, Rear, Side and Inner Aspects of KWAUSO
Above: Front view of the Administration Building
Above: Side view of the administration building.
Above: Rear view of the administration building (Year 2019)
Above: One classroom block adjacent to Administration block, dorm in background.
Above: But when the pioneers of KWAUSO arrived late February/early March, 2011 the Administration Building pictured above was not yet in existence. In existence was the first phase of the project as seen in the picture below. In the last picture above the pioneers of KWAUSO pose together with the Director Fr. Stanislaus Mutajwaha (at centre, in white cassock), the first Headmaster Rev. Fr. Marcel Kaberwa in black cassock, right and the Assistant Accountant Divera Deogratias (to the right of Fr. Marcel).
Above: First phase of the project was ready before the opening of KWAUSO by the end of February, 2011. But as time goes, KWAUSO approaches what it could possibly be.

6) Statement of challenge
Kwauso always growing - Like this memorial mango tree at the center of the campus, March 2014.
Please, click an entry on the menu to view the following:
Knowing us – Mission and Location of Kwauso project
Works – History of construction in pictures
Activities – Activities at Kwauso; students;administration; admissions
Utilities – Challenges of getting water; electricity; furnishing
Support us – Become part of the project through your support
Others – Links; Background information of the name “Kwauso”
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