Easy Tips to Get Rid of Weevils in Your Rice and Pantry
By Mike-Ross

Weevils are a common pantry pest that can turn your kitchen into a headache. These tiny beetles love to infest grains, flour, and other dry goods, laying eggs that can lead to food contamination and waste. The good news? Weevils aren’t harmful to humans or pets, but they are certainly unwelcome guests in your pantry. One quick way to handle them is by sifting flour through a fine-mesh strainer before using it, catching any visible bugs.
If the thought of potential eggs in your flour doesn’t sit well with you, you might consider discarding it entirely. However, tossing food can be costly and wasteful. Instead, the best defense is a good offense—keeping your pantry clean and catching any signs of weevils early can save you from a full-blown infestation. Proper storage and maintenance go a long way toward keeping your kitchen bug-free!

Regularly check your pantry items for any signs of weevils, such as tiny holes in packaging or fine flour dust on your shelves. Make it a habit to store dry goods in airtight containers—glass, metal, or heavy-duty plastic are your best bets. This can help you avoid attracting these pests in the first place.
If you're looking for a foolproof way to keep weevils out, check out these 7 effective tips by How to House on YouTube. With a few preventative measures and some simple storage changes, you can keep your pantry safe, your food fresh, and your kitchen weevil-free!
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