J L Balc�zar
This page has alternated repeatedly between construction and destruction
It is unclear what phase is it in right now.
Contact address:
My email address is not jose@[email protected]@edu,
but an essentially similar one where some symbols are swapped;
it is your task to guess which ones. An old address starting
like balqui@lsi is deprecated and will cease to work anytime now.
The address @unican.es does not work at all.
For other ways to find me,
check my department's page linked to above.
Teaching-related links might be added one day.
Some of my
writings, most of them research-related; warning: some are
not there yet, and some are not accessible on the provided link anymore.
Research group LARCA at UPC.
Ph D advisor or co-advisor of:
Tor�n (1988),
Ricard Gavald� (1992),
Elvira Mayordomo
Montserrat Hermo (1996),
Albert Atserias (2002,
coadvisor M. L. Bonet),
Jorge Castro (2002,
coadvisor D Guijarro),
Gemma C. Garriga (2006),
Jaume Baixeries (2007),
Albert Bifet (2009,
coadvisor R Gavald�),
M. Ely Piceno (2020);
unfortunately, the career of
Luis Valentin
(coadvisor Lluis Belanche) was truncated, much before his thesis
could take shape, by his untimely death after long illness.
public profile at LinkedIn.