Fair votes in practice: STV for Westminster

Denis Mollison (Heriot-Watt University)

[email protected]

The map illustrates how well proportional representation using the Single Transferable Vote (STV) could work for the UK Parliament.

Constituencies are based entirely on local authority areas, mostly electing 4 or 5 MPs; this gives a high level of proportionality, while maintaining a strong local connection. In England and Wales it is based as far as possible on traditional (``ceremonial'') counties.

Outline of scheme (pdf)

Map of proposed constituencies (pdf)

Schedule of proposed constituencies (pdf)

Paper to appear in the Royal Statistical Society's journal, Significance (pdf)

Crown copyright material is reproduced from National Statistics website: www.statistics.gov.uk with the permission of the Controller Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI).

3rd May 2010