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Eritrea to have the third fastest growing economy in Africa: EIU

Economist Intelligence Unit forecasts Eritrea's economy to grow by 8.0% in 2014

November 1, 2013 — Eritrea’s economy is expected to maintain a growth rate of 8.0% in 2014, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a research arm of The Economist Group.

According to the group's figures, Eritrea will have the third fastest-growing economy in Africa, trailing only behind Zambia and Rwanda.

The data was revealed by Robert Ward, the Country Director of the EIU, at the start of a two-day conference organised by the The Economist magazine in Ghana last Tuesday.

With nearly 20 foreign mining companies operating in Eritrea, analysts predict a mining boom that will accelerate the country's GDP growth for decades to come.

Conservative estimates indicate around a quarter of a trillion dollars worth of minerals and potash are to be found in Eritrea, making the Red Sea State's economic future among the brightest in the continent.

Eritrea's annual GDP forecasts for the last three years

GDP growth rate
Price Inflation
Exports of goods
$434.8 million
$474.3 million
$549.7 million
Nfa:US$ rate

Source: Economic Intelligence Unit


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Screenshot  taken from the Econonomic Intelligence Unit Country by Country Report

Screenshot taken from the Economic Intelligence Unit Country Report

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Eritrea to have the third fastest growing economy in Africa: EIU Reviewed by Admin on 11:37 AM Rating: 5

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