
Map of New South Wales

This is a map of New South Wales in Australia. You can use this map to help find towns for hotels and vacations in towns in Australia near your main hotel holiday destination. Often, hotels in nearby towns can be much cheaper than those in main towns such as hotels in Melbourne etc.

Map of New South Wales

Sponsored Travel Sites:

Australia Travel and Map Sites:

Australia Tourist Board - Official site including region guides and other useful travel information.

Australia Maps - Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection

Tripadvisor.com - Read opinions and compare prices on hotels and vacations around the world.

Best at Australia Holidays - Deciding where to go in Australia can be difficult enough without the added confusion of choosing from the endless styles of accommodation, touring options and transport between cities!

Australia Travel - This comprehensive resource provides assistance for anyone planning travel to Australia, looking forward to their Australian vacation or choosing their preferred Australian tour. Viewers will find introductions to some of the best holiday accommodation choices in Australia.

Buy maps of Australia from Amazon.co.uk: