contact info, short bio, research interests
Prof. dr. Arjan van der Schaft
University of Groningen
Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science
P.O. Box 407
9700 AK Groningen
The Netherlands
Email : a.j.van.der.schaft [at]
Visiting address: Bernoulliborg, Room 380
Nijenborgh 9, 9747 AG Groningen
Phone : +31 (0)50 3633731
Fax : +31 (0)50 3633800
Phone : +31 (0)50 3633379 (secretary)
A.J. (Arjan) van der Schaft (1955) received the undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees
in Mathematics from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, in 1979 and
1983, respectively. In 1982 he joined the Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Twente, Enschede, where he was appointed as a full
professor in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory in 2000. In September 2005 he returned to Groningen as a full professor in Mathematics.
He served as Associate Editor for Systems & Control Letters, Journal of
Nonlinear Science, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, the IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control, and was Editor-at-Large for the European Journal of Control. Currently he is Associate Editor for the Journal of Geometric Mechanics, and for Annual Reviews in Control.
Arjan van der Schaft is Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC).
He was Invited Lecturer at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid, Spain (2006), and was the 2013 Recipient of the three-yearly awarded 'Certificate of Excellent Achievements' of the IFAC Technical Committee on Nonlinear Control Systems.
He is member of the Jan C. Willems Center for Systems and Control.
A short Curriculum Vitae of Arjan van der Schaft can be found here.
Current research interests include nonlinear systems and control theory, systems modeling of multi-physics systems, hybrid systems, and their applications. Recurrent theme is the development of concepts and tools for the modeling, analysis and control of open dynamical systems. Present focus is on network modeling and analysis of complex physical systems and their geometric formulation as port-Hamiltonian systems, the compositional modeling, analysis and control of systems with interacting continuous and discrete dynamics, and their applications in complex engineering systems, power networks, cyber-physical systems, and systems biology.
Arjan van der Schaft is (co-)author of the following books:
System Theoretic Descriptions of Physical Systems (1984),
Variational and Hamiltonian Control Systems (1987, with P.E. Crouch),
Nonlinear Dynamical Control Systems (1990, with H. Nijmeijer, corrected printing 2016),
L2-Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control (first edition 1996, second edition 2000, third edition 2017),
An Introduction to Hybrid Dynamical Systems (2000, with J.M. Schumacher, corrected printing 2007),
Modeling and Control of Complex Physical Systems: the Port-Hamiltonian Approach (Geoplex Consortium, 2009),
Port-Hamiltonian Systems: An Introductory Overview (2014, with D. Jeltsema).
He (co-)edited four conference proceedings.
He (co-)authored around 130 journal
articles and 275 refereed contributions to proceedings or book chapters; see also his Google Scholar page for further information.