Amazon Fire TV is the only streaming media device with voice search. Gary Busey likes talking to things. This is just crazy enough to work…
CD: Matt McCain
CW: Mike Houston
AD: Mishy Cass, Austin Hilde
DIGITAL AD: Matt Ballew
Convincing lifelong smokers to quit is nearly impossible. So we stepped aside and let smokers convince themselves. Calls to the tobacco quit line tripled. And the “Dear Me” radio spots convinced the Radio Mercury Awards to change the rules and let a public service campaign win the Grand Prize for the first time ever.
CD/CW: Matt McCain
AD: Tony Zimney
Our agency appeared on a docu-series about advertising called, “The Pitch.” (Stupid show, but whatever.) Our assignment was to break McDonald’s breakfast eaters out of their well-entrenched routine and try Subway breakfast. We think we nailed it. Subway went for a campaign from the other agency featuring a white rapper named Mac Lethal. Yes, a white rapper named Mac Lethal.
CW: Matt McCain
AD: Christopher Berry
Western Governors University is a nonprofit online university that NO ONE in Washington knew about. But when WGU received a big endorsement from the Washington State legislature, it was time for WGU to launch their own marketing blitz--in the most non-profit way possible. New student enrollment jumped 287%.
CW/CD: Matt McCain
AD: Chad Verly
When your favorite show ends, things get dark. And smoky. And you knit yourself into a cocoon. And Malcolm McDowell starts talking.
CW: Matt McCain
AD: Michael Boychuk
To get between Seattle and Portland, you can fly or drive. The drive takes FOR. FUCKING. EV. ER. Meanwhile, the 30-minute Horizon Shuttle flight is so convenient, it renders the automobile obsolete. So we rebranded the drive as “The Slog. The longest three-hour drive in American history.” Web site featured short videos documenting the hellish journey.
CW: Matt McCain
AD: Monkey Watson
Woodland Park Zoo was opening an exhibit featuring giant robotic dinosaurs that moved, screeched and spit. We created this campaign featuring a shouting British man.
CW: Matt McCain
AD: Christopher Berry
Back when Seattle had the Sonics, they were fairly mediocre. So to boost attendance, we couldn’t promise wins. But we could promise a super homely Yugoslavian forward and free giveaway shit. We shot 3 spots in 45 minutes and started a cult called “Drobnjak’s Manjaks” (pronounced Drob-nee-yaks May-nee-yaks).
CW: Matt McCain
AD: Pam Fujimoto
This spot represents Amazon’s first brand advertising. Ever. And I met Jeff Bezos for three minutes.
CW/CD: Matt McCain
AD: Caitlin Finn Daoust Huertas
We shot hidden-camera stuff before everyone else started shooting hidden-camera stuff. Proof: these spots got us a trip to Cannes to pick up a few Gold Lions.
CW: Matt McCain
AD: Michael Boychuk
The only possible way to get people into a Tully’s Coffee (nobody knows where they are) instead of Starbucks (everyone knows where they are) for an afternoon frozen beverage is to use high-school marching bands.
CW: Matt McCain
AD: Jason Black
SIFF is the nation’s largest, most well-attended film festival. And they let us do cool crap.
CW: Matt McCain
AD: Pam Fujimoto
Some people hate radio. They’re wrong.
Dig through the crates of my jizillion spec spots and pitch videos.