Discover and mine ores such as copper, tin, iron, silver, and gold. Smelt the ores into metal ingots to craft with or process into alloys such as bronze and steel. Tools and weapons vary in efficiency and durability based on the metals used to craft them. There is also a clay subsoil material that you can use to craft items like pottery, roof tiles, furnaces, and ovens. Flax can be processed into linseed oil, a lubricant used for mechanical blocks.

World map with fast travel
See the world and visit new places with the world map. Locate people, structures, and claimed areas on the map. Share coordinates to meet up with friends in multiplayer to make houses (factions) or do battle with enemies.
Travel to new locations in an instant. The fast travel feature can be configured by selecting cooldown times between uses and by limiting destinations by terrain type and enemy held lands.

Customizable banners
In medieval times heraldry was used to identify people and houses. Servants wore livery, castles were draped in banners, and armies carried flags.
Create custom banners and flags to use as your symbol as you build and fight in Medieval Engineers. Additional patterns can be created or downloaded from the Steam Workshop. See the Banner Modding Guide to get started making new banner patterns.
Explore seven distinct biomes on the Medieval Engineers planet. Each biome has a unique mix of flora and terrain to create incredible vistas. You can mine precious metals alongside desert mesas, build a stone lodge in the frozen arctic, and farm amongst the hazel trees in the cratered karst landscape. Take a trip across the steppe grasslands and go lumberjacking in the coniferous forests. There’s something new to discover over every mountain!

Play together with friends to build a castle and fight off barbarian invaders. Join forces to siege an enemy stronghold. You can play with friends or join a public server. Both creative and survival game modes are available in multiplayer. A dedicated server application is included with the game or available on Official Server Hosts.

Moding / Steam Workshop
Discover new worlds and new blocks through modding in Medieval Engineers. Thousands of items await in the Steam Workshop. Moddable items include saved worlds, planets, 3D models, textures, skins, shaders, and API scripting in-game objects in C# to add new behaviors and capabilities.
Mechanical Blocks
Automate crafting with Mechanical Blocks. You no longer need to mill your wheat and saw your timbers by hand. It’s possible to build machines that will do the work for you with greater speed and efficiency. You can get started with a windmill to provide power and various joints and shafts to connect things together.

Research and Quests
Unlock new knowledge with the research quest system. An immersive system that allows you to naturally learn while crafting and building. Each quest is a mini-adventure that will guide you through game features while unlocking blocks and crafting recipes. Research and research quests are fully moddable so, once you’ve finished ours, you can try new ones from the Steam Workshop or create your own to share with the community!

Area ownership
Mark your territory by claiming land for you and your house. Give your land a name, pay your taxes, and defend your claim from enemies. Claiming land allows control of who can build, mine, travel and respawn on the land. Also control who has access to structures and respawning locations.
Structural integrity / Destruction
Buildings in Medieval Engineers have structural integrity. Build too tall and your building will collapse! Blocks are supported by the blocks under them and beside them. Stone is stronger than wood but also heavier. Use Structural Integrity View in Creative Mode to discover the best ways to build and then put it to the test in Survival Mode.
When blocks become damaged they can no longer support the blocks around them. When too many blocks are damaged something is bound to come crashing down in glorious real-time destruction!

Tired of foraging for food? Start plowing, planting, and harvesting your food with the farming system. Have too many mouths to feed? Research mechanics and mechanized farming to up the game. Use mechanical plows, seeders, and harvesters to feed the masses or store surplus food for harder times.

Resource gathering / Mining
The world is full of resources just waiting to be found. Go foraging for plants like herbs, berries, mushrooms, roots, pumpkins, cabbages, and flax. Visit the forest to gather sticks and chop down trees to get logs and timbers. Mine stone and iron from the ground or grab your crossbow and go hunting for some fresh meat.
Freedom to build and engineer anything
Medieval Engineers is all about building and the options are unlimited. Build anything from houses and castles to wagons and catapults. The system allows building anywhere on the planet with convenient features like snapping to existing nearby blocks and placing small blocks onto large blocks. Interact with or pick up small blocks by pressing or holding the action button. The simple one-button action system makes interactions easy.

Block varieties
Blocks are built from the materials available in the world such as wood, stone, and iron. Each material is suitable for particular blocks and has its own properties. Wood is best for creating timber walls, floors, roofs, and furniture like tables and workstations. Stone can be used to make cobblestone structures from cube shaped blocks, round blocks, and stone walls. Iron is used to strengthen certain blocks and to make weights, tools, and weapons.

Multiple construction types
Learn to engineer the multiple types of constructions available in Medieval Engineers. Small constructions are made of 0.25 meter blocks that are made of mostly wood and iron. Larger constructions are made from 2.5 meter blocks that can be made of wood, iron, and stone. Small blocks can be added to large constructions.
Start new constructions as dynamic (movable) or static (immovable) by placing them above the ground (dynamic) or fixing them to the ground (static). Dynamic structures work best for furniture, carriages and wagons, farming machinery, and siege engines. Static structures are best suited for small wooden structures, houses, and castles. Large static constructions are subject to structural integrity which provides engineering challenges to large buildings and converts parts to dynamic fractures when they break.