Which Zodiac Signs Fall In Love At First Sight? Watch Out For These 3

All 12 zodiac signs are unique, and that means they each take a unique approach to relationships. Some prefer to move at a slow-and-steady pace, while others dive right in, immediately head over heels.
Before we get into which three signs are most likely to fall in love at first sight, it's worth mentioning that all the signs have the capacity to do so depending on an individual's entire birth chart. Nevertheless, when thinking about the energy of these three signs, they tend to be the ones who move fast in love.
And P.S., this would apply to anyone who has one of these signs as their sun, moon, and/or rising sign, as well as their Venus sign, with Venus influencing our patterns in relationships, or Mars sign, with Mars influencing passion and sex drive.
No. 1 on the list is none other than lively and impulsive Aries. Not only do these confident folks have no problem making the first move, but they're also extremely passionate.
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet that governs sex, action, passion, and aggression. Pair that with their fiery nature, and they're basically always on the prowl for romance. And tying back to their impulsivity, that includes impulsively hitting on someone they see on the street.
The only caveat with Aries is that while they might sweep you off your feet initially, they can move on as quickly as they "fell in love." Try to take things slow if you're dating an Aries, and if you are an Aries, take your time getting to know people before you get carried away!
Up next we have sweet and charming Libra. Is anyone really surprised? These folks love love, thanks to their planetary ruler Venus. But in this case, they're an air sign. The element of air and watery emotions don't always mix, so while Libra can quickly fall in love, they may have a hard time getting it to stick.
Libras also tend to romanticize people and can struggle with holding on to their sense of self within relationships. This makes it all too easy for them to fall in love at first sight, romanticizing strangers—especially cute ones—from afar.
And since they're so charming, they may even strike up a conversation! But also, they're often quickly disillusioned by their fantasy, with a bad habit of leading people on by flirting without meaning to.
And of course, we have dreamy and fanciful Pisces. Who can blame these tender souls for falling in love at first sight? If daydreaming was an Olympic sport, Pisces would get the gold, and you can bet they're already picturing their wedding with that cutie in class.
Known in part for their naiveté, we'd be lying if we said objectivity was one of Pisces' strengths. They tend to live in their own whimsical world, projecting their idealizations onto reality and missing what's right in front of them.
As such, it wouldn't be unlikely for these sensitive water signs to catch the love bug—and frequently.
The takeaway
Every zodiac sign has the capacity to crush on a stranger they think is cute, but in terms of falling in love at first sight frequently, it's Aries, Libra, and Pisces that tend to be perpetual "crushers." Hey, there are worse problems to have than walking around and thinking everyone is lovely—so all the power to 'em, as long as no one's feelings get hurt.