Which Zodiac Signs Are Most Likely To Be Bisexual? Here Are The Top 3

The 12 zodiac signs each have their unique preferences in relationships. Some of them keep things pretty by the book, sticking to societal norms. Others, on the other hand, are more likely to step out of the status quo and defy conventions—including in their sexuality.
Of course, we're not guaranteeing that anyone who is one of the following signs will definitely be bisexual or that the other signs won't be—but when thinking about the quintessential energy of the signs, these three are most likely to be bisexual.
Coming in at number one for the most likely to be bisexual is Libra. For one thing, they're the only zodiac sign symbolized by something inanimate—the scales—which represent balance and objectivity.
Relationships are a way of life for Libras, and so is flirting, and they bring that balance and objectivity to their relationships too. As an air sign and a cardinal sign, Libra tends to view things from a higher perspective, so they're not afraid to follow that flirtatious streak into unknown territory.
However, they do tend to be people-pleasers, so if anything stops them from coming out, it could be familial or societal pressures.
Up next, and perhaps unsurprisingly, is Gemini. Symbolized by the twins, Gemini is a walking embodiment of bisexuality, with their curious and adaptable personalities.
Speaking of curiosity, it tends to be insatiable for Gemini. They may have always been bicurious and finally given it a shot, or they've always known they went both ways. Lovers of variety, the more people Gemini can get to know, the better.
They're also air signs, like Libra, with the air signs tending to defy convention more than, say, practical and structured earth signs.
And finally, we have Aquarius, which is the third and final air sign after Libra and Gemini. As aforementioned, the air signs defy convention, and Aquarius takes that to the next level. Being unique and avant-garde is a part of who they are, and for many Aquarians, that applies to their relationships as well.
They tend to be attracted to people who are quirky and ahead of the times, like themselves, so it won't take long for a curious Aquarius to experiment with bisexuality.
To them, it only makes sense that they would move outside of traditional relationship norms and find something more suited to their eclectic taste.
The takeaway
Again, we're not saying that anyone who's a Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius is definitely bisexual—just that their signs have big bi energy. When we think about the archetypal energy of each zodiac sign, these three simply have the astrological potential to swing both ways.