Emoji dictionary
The Medical Mask: It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to get this – it says: “I’m ill, don’t come near.” Also useful maybe if you’re suffering as a result of someone’s flatulence.1 of 25 The Scream: Taking inspiration from Edvard Munch’s iconic artwork, this hollow-eyed, ghostly face expresses moments of extreme fear, madness, or both.2 of 25 Pile of Poo: Can seem the most pointless icon, but it’s often the most useful – if, say, you’re at a bad party and someone asks: “How’s it going?”3 of 25 Ears: No, it’s not some Reservoir Dogs-style threat. This is just used to say, “I’m all ears”, “Listen out for something” or “I hear what you’re saying”.4 of 25 Crystal ball: The new symbol for someone with psychic powers. Can also jokingly imply possession of a supernatural gift.5 of 25 The Flexed Bicep: Want to let someone know you’re feeling strong? Just flash them this symbol. Alternatively, use it to boast that you’re off to the gym.6 of 25 Praying Hands: Though it looks like a pair of hands doing a high five, don’t be fooled. This is the one to use when you’re praying for the best – or off to church.7 of 25 Water Buffalo: Emojis have a dizzying array of animals, from pets and farm favourites to the more unusual – like water buffalo. It’s, er, surprisingly handy.8 of 25 Hear No Evil, See No Evil…: A trio of emojis feature the Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil monkeys to say “I didn’t hear that!”, “I saw nothing”, or “I won’t tell”.9 of 25 Flowing Sand Hourglass: A slight variation on the hourglass with stationary sand, this symbol is used to let someone know, “Time is running out” or “The clock is ticking”.10 of 25 The Dash: Resembling a gust, this conveys a sense of dashing off. Also used if someone has passed wind – so best avoided with, say, your boss or a date.11 of 25 Bento Box: There’s a whole menu of food icons, from pizzas and burgers to fruit and donuts. Japan’s fast food favourite is a nod to emojis’ heritage.12 of 25 Broken Heart: Arguably the strongest emoji, it can express genuine sadness or, in some cases, be used to sarcastically suggest you don’t give a damn.13 of 25 Collision: If you’re stuck in traffic due to a collision, this is the symbol to send – perhaps with a cross face. Do dial 999 and help people first.14 of 25 Banknote: Either a sign you owe money to someone, or to suggest you need to nip and get some cash from the hole in the wall before you meet up with them.15 of 25 Snowboarder: Lots of sports have an emoji to invite mates for a round of golf, football or… snowboarding. If typing is hard work, maybe this isn’t you?16 of 25 Direct Hit: Not one you’d think you’d use very often since it’s used more to invite someone for archery or darts, but it can also be used to just say: “Spot on!”17 of 25 Monorail: On top of those for planes, trains, cars, trams and cable cars. Use this to ask why we have no monorail.18 of 25 The Dancer: Great if you want to ask someone: “Fancy going to a club tonight?” Please stress this is not the actual dress code.19 of 25 Cash With Wings: Is that you spending money like there’s no tomorrow? Yes? You can kiss your cash goodbye...20 of 25 Love Hotel: Not a new reality TV show, but the sign for somewhere that hosts couples in the first flush of love. Usually used to suggest a dirty weekend away.21 of 25 Oncoming Taxi: Not to be mistaken with the emoji showing the profile of a taxi, this lets you know a taxi has been ordered – or may even be outside already.22 of 25 Victory Hand: While there are a number of obvious hand gestures available, this is one of the most outstanding. It can be used as a rallying cry or a symbol of triumph.23 of 25 Upwards trend: One of a pair, this emoji simply suggests: “Things are getting better”, “I’m on the up” or “I’m on the mend”.24 of 25 Downwards trend: As you’d expect, it’s the exact opposite of the above. At this point, some might argue it’s best used to describe the state of the English language.25 of 25