Last year's El Nino weather effect in the Pacific was widely regarded by climate scientists as a factor in 2016 being the hottest year ever recorded .
And now scientists at the UN's World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have put out a statement saying there's a chance it could return.
Climate models surveyed by the WMO suggested a 50% chance of neutral conditions continuing in the second half of 2017. But they also predicted a 35-40% chance of an El Nino developing.
There is also a slight chance of a counterpoint La Nina occurring - which tends to have a cooling effect on the planet.
What is an El Nino?
El Nino is the anomalous warming of the sea surface of the eastern Pacific, during which the eastern Pacific cools as strong Trade Winds push warm waters to the western Pacific - notably the seas around Indonesia.
Eventually that warmer water, having "piled up", as it were, in the western Pacific has to run back eastwards, and that can happen when the north-easterly Trades weaken.
Quite what causes the fluctuations in the Trade Winds is another question, and one to which there is not yet a clear-cut answer.
What is the effect of an El Nino?
The effects on weather in other parts of the world vary, and in some regions the influence is stronger than in others.
For example, El Nino is known to instigate drought and forest fires in the Indonesian archipelago, but more rain in parts of South America, notably Peru, Ecuador and Argentina, and in the south-eastern US.
The Indian monsoon tends to deliver less rain than average, and northern Australia is generally drier than normal.
This can have serious impacts on water supply and food production. Improving skills in long-term forecasts through prediction of El Nino and La Nina episodes can help mitigate the effects or provide opportunities for commodities traders.
For Europe the impact of El Nino is smaller, less predictable, less well defined and more variable.
However, sometimes as El Nino begins there is a tendency for Europe to have greater chances of high pressure regimes, and thus drier and hotter conditions than normal for a period during the summer.