A selection of 'harpsichord music' articles

Spotlight. Urinary Bladder Surgery? - Gerald Fenech recommends lusciously presented and recorded music by the French composer Marin Marais. '... charmingly descriptive music full of colourful expressiveness that is unjustly neglected.'

Spotlight. Outstanding Virtuosity and Style - Geoff Pearce is impressed with Telemann cantatas from Bergen Barokk. '... a very fine result ...'

Spotlight. Exquisitely Descriptive Music - Gerald Fenech warmly recommends harpsichord music by Pierre-Claude Foucquet. 'It's a joy for a lifetime.'

Spotlight. Highly Imaginative - Gerald Fenech warmly recommends music by Manuel de Falla and Igor Stravinsky. '... an absolute joy.'

Spotlight. A Wonderful Tribute - Endre Anaru praises Francesco Cera for his performance of The Well-Tempered Clavier: Part 2, Book 2. '... Cera has ascended two vast Himalayan peaks and is to be congratulated for this achievement.'

Spotlight. Vitality and Freshness - Gerald Fenech is delighted by Bojan Čičić and Steven Devine's recording of Handel's violin sonatas. '... infectious warmth and extraordinary dexterity ...'

Ensemble. An Outstanding Choice - Ron Bierman is impressed by J S Bach, Barber and Haydn, played by the San Diego Symphony Orchestra led by veteran Dutch conductor Edo de Waart

Classical music news - February 2024 Obituaries - Our summary of those the classical music world has lost this month

Spotlight. Sumptuously Fragile Sounds - Gerald Fenech joyously recommends keyboard music from Handel's home in London. 'Technically flawless performances ...'

Spotlight. Virtuosic Flair - Gerald Fenech recommends dance music played by Daniel Hope and the Zurich Chamber Orchestra. 'Daniel Hope's fiddle-playing is just phenomenal ...'

Spotlight. Warmth and Charm - Robert Levin plays Mozart concertos, recommended unreservedly by Gerald Fenech. 'These are simple and uncomplicated but wholly alluring Mozartian bonbons.'

Spotlight. Engaging, Interesting and Thoughtful - Endre Anaru is inspired by Francesco Cera's performance of The Well-Tempered Clavier: Part 1, Book 1. 'He gives voice to the voices and instead of just a dry plain reading we hear an enlivened elocution. It is as if he recited the music for us.'

CD Spotlight. Hugely Attractive Music - Gerald Fenech listens to a reissue of cello concertos by Haydn and Monn. '... simple but masterfully crafted, spouting melody at every turn.'

CD Spotlight. Tremendously Attractive and Exciting - Gerald Fenech recommends this Hyperion recording of Czech harpsichord concertos. 'All praise to Mahan Esfahani and his Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra team for compiling this hugely attractive programme, which is in fact a voyage of discovery of twentieth century Czech music.'

Echoes of Oblivion by Robert McCarney - The Mouth of Hell

Ensemble. Handel vs Bononcini - Mike Wheeler listens to the English Concert and soprano Anna Dennis at the Buxton Festival

Ensemble. Polish Style in the Gardens of Rome - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to sixteenth and seventeenth century Polish Baroque music

Classical music news - May 2022 Obituaries - Our summary of those the classical music world has lost this month

CD Spotlight. The Joy of Harpsichord - Margherita Porfido plays music from the south of Italy, heard by Giuseppe Pennisi. '... fundamental to the understanding of music between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries in southern Italy.'

Ensemble. The Magical Countertenor Voice - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to Raffaele Pé

CD Spotlight. Preserving Byrd's Momentum - John Dante Prevedini listens to William Byrd's keyboard music, played by Friederike Chylek. 'In every one of Chylek's interpretations, I hear an uncommonly sober balance of emotional expressiveness with technical clarity ...'

Classical music news - February 2022 Obituaries - Our summary of those the classical music world has lost this month

CD Spotlight. Underground Virtuosity - John Dante Prevedini listens to viol consort suites by Matthew Locke. 'Locke's imitative counterpoint shines through with a crispness and clarity ...'

CD Spotlight. Suggestive Interweavings - Twentieth century harpsichord concertos by Falla, Poulenc and Bacarisse, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... a highly enjoyable issue, full of imaginative music ...'

Classical music news - September 2021 Obituaries - Our summary of those the classical music world has lost this month

CD Spotlight. Modelled on Bach - Krebs' harpsichord music, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... brimming with colour, energy and rhythmic beauty ...'

Classical music news - Newsletter plus June Obituaries - Classical Music Daily's July 2021 Newsletter, has just been published, along with a summary of musicians the classical music world lost last month

Classical music news. Obituary - Alexander Maykapar (1946-2021)

CD Spotlight. Innermost Tenderness - Gerald Fenech listens to arias by Johann Joseph Fux. 'Maria Ladurner is an inspired and impassioned advocate of Fux's music, and her supreme performances have a thrilling realism that brings out all the contrasting timbres of this fragile yet gravitas-filled music.'

CD Spotlight. Performed at the Vauxhall Gardens - Symphonies by eighteenth century British composer John Abraham Fisher, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Michael Halász and his Czech team are in exuberant form and their pleasantly flowing performances bring out all the charm, wit and cheerfulness of this lovely music.'

CD Spotlight. Unearthing Lost Cornerstones - John Dante Prevedini listens to music by seventeenth century composer Balthasar Erben. '... the disk itself becomes a curatorial introduction to the composer's entire life and work. The Coviello label evidently understands the weight of this responsibility very well ...'

CD Spotlight. Awesome Stuff - Gerald Fenech is impressed by Ilya Gringolts' performances of three violin concertos by Pietro Locatelli. 'Ilya Gringolts' playing is phenomenally spellbinding, and his scintillating virtuosity and flawless execution are absolute joys and wholly worthy of constant admiration.'

CD Spotlight. Strauss from the Antipodes - Giuseppe Pennisi reviews rarely-heard François Couperin orchestral transcriptions by Richard Strauss. '... good rendering by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra under Jun Märkl ...'

CD Spotlight. Fine and Engaging Harpsichord Music - Gerald Fenech listens to works by Gottlieb Muffat and George Frideric Handel. 'Flóra Fábri's technique is solid as a rock, and her judgement of rubato and ornamentation is absolutely unblemished.'

CD Spotlight. Christmas Night - Seventeenth and eighteenth century Italian festive music, strongly recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'This is a compilation full of craft and ingenuity ...'

CD Spotlight. Merriment and Joy - Music by Nicola Matteis, John Banister, Gottfried Finger, Matthew Locke and Johann Schop, warmly recommended by Gerald Fenech. 'Elegant and full of warmth, these dances are imaginatively orchestrated and extremely well crafted, and the playing is wonderfully affective.'

CD Spotlight. The Sweetness of Life - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to harpsichord music by François Couperin. '... the key note is B flat major which at the time was an experimental, almost avant-garde tonality. Jory Vinikour shows it very well and demonstrates how Couperin was ahead of many other harpsichordists.'

CD Spotlight. Between Centuries and Cultures - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to Johann Simon Mayr's 1814 opera 'Le due duchesse'. 'The richness is clear from the Sinfonia.'

CD Spotlight. In Tune with the Changing Times - Giuseppe Pennisi discovers the eighteenth century Neapolitan composer Girolamo Rossi. '... an important discovery.'

Ensemble. Music through Breath - Adrian Kelly talks to Christian Curnyn about Handel's 'Acis and Galatea' as part of the Buxton International Festival Digital 2020 Season, heard by Mike Wheeler

Classical music news - July 2020 Obituaries - Our summary of those the classical music world has lost this month

Ensemble. A Miracle in Ravenna - Giuseppe Pennisi reports from a modified Ravenna Festival

CD Spotlight. A Musical Goldmine - Gerald Fenech enjoys music by Giovanni Battista Vitali. '... gorgeously crafted music full of melodic sweetness and intensely passionate emotions.'

CD Spotlight. The Harpsichord's Newest Reincarnation - Ona Jarmalavičiūtė listens to twentieth century harpsichord concertos. 'Not many harpsichord players are as multifaceted and expressive as Jory Vinikour when interpreting modern music.'

CD Spotlight. Handel and the Roman Baroque School - Giuseppe Pennisi listens to Lorenzo Tozzi's Romabarocca Ensemble. '... a precious CD from which to learn little known aspects of baroque music ...'

CD Spotlight. A Stupendous Disc - Roderic Dunnett listens to countertenor duets by Purcell and Blow. 'The music is sensationally beautiful and touching - and so are the performances.'

CD Spotlight. Fascination and Influence - Gerald Fenech is impressed by Lucille Boulanger and friends. 'The talented foursome heard here rise brilliantly to the hurdles presented and performances are consistently full of charm and warmth, wrapped up in an aura of unmitigated sensitivity.'

Ensemble. For Students to Complete? - Accademia Bizantina's 'The Art of Fugue' enthralls Rome and Giuseppe Pennisi

CD Spotlight. Profound Originality - Harpsichord music by Louis Couperin, heard by Gerald Fenech. 'Christophe Rousset ... gives radiant performances full of charm and grace ...'

CD Spotlight. Absolutely Gorgeous - Harpsichord music by François Couperin, heard by Gerald Fenech. '... Bertrand Cuiller gives magical renditions of a number of Ordres, displaying with vigorous energy all the colour of sounds, alliterations, double meanings and parodies that these works encapsulate ...'

Ensemble. A Pleasure Garden - Two summer concerts on an evening in Rome, heard by Giuseppe Pennisi

CD Spotlight. Immaculately Crazy - Red Priest's 'Baroque Bohemians' impresses Alice McVeigh. '... extreme alternations of mood, from manic charges to bucolic brusqueness, with serious offbeat percussive work ... and general anarchy ...'

CD Spotlight. Famous and Unknown - Music by Rameau, Philidor, Blavet, Guignon and Duphly, enjoyed by Gerald Fenech. '... an intensity and sweetness of tone that is consistently engaging.'

CD Spotlight. Splice the Mainbrace - Red Priest's 'Pirates of the Baroque', heard by the late Howard Smith. 'The foursome are outrageous, hugely entertaining, and Red Priest take no prisoners.'

CD Spotlight. A Fantastic Collection - Little-known harpsichord gems, strongly recommended by Alice McVeigh. '... succeeds utterly, as does the immaculately sensitive [Penelope] Cave.'

Ensemble. Sparkle and Brilliance - An exploration of the celebration and imitation of national styles, heard by Mike Wheeler

Ensemble. Culturally Ambiguous - Tiara Ataii listens to British-Israeli countertenor Yaniv d'Or

CD Spotlight. Bewitchingly Improvisatory - Rachel Brown's 'A Tribute to Bach', recommended by Alice McVeigh. '... Rachel Brown has enough talent, in her littlest finger, to lift an entire orchestra ...'

CD Spotlight. Pure Python? - 'Wild Men of the Seicento', heard by Keith Bramich. '... Piers Adams and David Wright's superb performances exhibit a strangely infectious authenticity.'

CD Spotlight. Commanding the Passions - Sonatas by Francesco Barsanti, enjoyed by Gerald Fenech. '... performances are consistently versatile, accurate and poetic.'

CD Spotlight. Limited Soundscape - Music by Beth Anderson, heard by Geoff Pearce. 'The performances were well realized ...'

CD Spotlight. Imaginative Programming - Music for recorder and harpsichord from Denmark and the UK, recommended by Geoff Pearce. '... this partnership works very well musically ...'

CD Spotlight. Most Intriguing - Music by Rameau, heard by Robert Anderson. '... much sensitive playing from the whole team.'

CD Spotlight. Delectable Listening - Michala Petri plays Telemann, admired by Robert Anderson. 'The performance is indeed triumphant.'

CD Spotlight. Dramatic Effect - Harpsichord music by Handel, heard by Robert Anderson. '... exciting and eloquent throughout ...'

CD Spotlight. Chromatic Daring - Trio and keyboard sonatas by Charles Avison, heard by Robert Anderson. '... a eupeptic sense of well-being ...'

Ensemble. Santa Fe, The City Different - Maria Nockin enjoys the summer opera fare in North America's oldest capital city

DVD Spotlight. A Modern Orfeo - Music by Elodie Lauten, reviewed by Malcolm Tattersall. '... a pleasing half-hour chamber opera ...'

CD Spotlight. Equal Partners - Chamber music by Barbara Harbach, enjoyed by Ron Bierman. '... more humor than can be found in the entire oeuvre of many contemporary composers.'

Ensemble. Different Couples - English Touring Opera's 'La Clemenza di Tito', reviewed by Robert Hugill

CD Spotlight. A Strange Choice - Violin concertos by Vivaldi, heard by Howard Smith. '... reliable and persuasive ...'

Ensemble. A Memorable Programme - Bach Cantatas at London's Royal Academy of Music, heard by Malcolm Miller

Ensemble. Superb Pianism - A London recital by Julian Jacobson, heard by Robert Anderson

CD Spotlight. Firstrate Ensemble - Accompanied harpsichord sonatas by Charles Avison, recommended by Robert Anderson. '... both brilliant and sensitive ...'

Wondrously Expansive - Ronan Magill's recital at London's Wigmore Hall impresses Robert Anderson

CD Spotlight. Playing Rameau - Interpretations by Stephen Gutman, recommended by George Balcombe. '... not a million miles away from jazz.'

DVD Spotlight. A Glorious Time - Purcell's 'The Fairy Queen', recommended by Robert Anderson. '... tender expression and all requisite vim.'

Ask Alice - On songwriters and gamba sonatas, with classical music agony aunt Alice McVeigh

CD Spotlight. Thoughtfully Appealing - Judith Lambden plays J S Bach, heard by Howard Smith. '... a great deal to admire ...'

Ensemble. Clearly Important - The seventh Klavessiinfestival held in Tallinn, Estonia, attended by Peter Howell

Ensemble. Hilariously Funny - Arizona Opera's 'The Barber of Seville', appreciated by Maria Nockin

Ensemble. Delightful Contributions - Nicholas Kok conducts Sinfonia Viva, heard by Mike Wheeler

Ensemble. Human Nature - A staged 'Così fan tutte' at Severance Hall in Cleveland, enjoyed by Kelly Ferjutz

CD Spotlight. Chicago Baroque - Trio Settecento's A German Bouquet, recommended by Malcolm Tattersall. '... very fine performances of some rarely heard but attractive music ...'

CD Spotlight. Nearly Unknown - Bologna's Renaissance music, heard by Giuseppe Pennisi. '... an efficient and effective local ensemble ...'

Ensemble. Sparks Really Flew - Mike Wheeler listens to the Denner Ensemble

CD Spotlight. Precocious and Talented - Music by Anna Bon di Venezia, heard by Ron Bierman. '... nuanced and cleanly articulated ...'

CD Spotlight. A Forthright Approach - J S Bach's St Matthew Passion, recommended by Howard Smith. '... the Ex Cathedra performance is a triumph.'

CD Spotlight. Robust and Spirited - James Tibbles plays J S Bach, heard by Howard Smith. '... worthy of widespread international recognition.'

Ensemble. Thoughtfully Conceived - James Judd conducts Handel's 'Messiah', reviewed by Lawrence Budmen

Ensemble. Style and Drama - Gluck's 'Alceste', heard by Robert Hugill

CD Spotlight. Splendidly Performed - Baroque music for cello, recommended by Howard Smith. 'An exemplary CD ...'

CD Spotlight. The Gamba Problem - Music by J S Bach, heard by George Balcombe. '... a number of oddities ...'

CD Spotlight. Intense Expressiveness - Music from Venice, reviewed by George Balcombe. '... an amazing display of eighteen short pieces ...'

Ask Alice - On parents and prose style, with classical music agony aunt Alice McVeigh

Ensemble. Profoundly Beautiful - William Christie's 'Dido and Aeneas' impresses Robert Hugill

Ask Alice - The truth about bishops and priests, with classical music agony aunt Alice McVeigh

Ensemble. Brilliant Opportunities - A Rossini double bill, reviewed by Robert Hugill

CD Spotlight. Exceptional Assurance - J S Bach organ sonatas, heard by Howard Smith. '... an immensely satisfying conclusion.'

CD Spotlight. Diversely Experienced - Music for bassoon, harpsichord and double bass, impresses Howard Smith. '... an outright "tour de force".'

Ensemble. Excellent Throughout - A lunchtime piano recital by Maiko Mori, heard by Bill Newman

CD Spotlight. Deceptive Naturalness - Red Priest's 'Nightmare in Venice', entertains Howard Smith. '... irrepressible, chic ...'

CD Spotlight. Simply Dazzling - Piazzolla and Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons', heard by Robert Hugill. '... I rather missed the sound of the bandoneon ...'

CD Spotlight. Highly Stimulating - Harpsichord music by Israeli composers, reviewed by Gerald Fenech. '... admirably played ...'

Record Box. Utmost Subtlety - Seung-Un Ha plays Bach's Goldberg Variations, reviewed by Robert Anderson

Ensemble. Profoundly Satisfying - 'Theodora' at the London Handel Festival, enjoyed by Robert Hugill

Ensemble. A Rich Sound - Handel's 'Samson', enjoyed by Robert Hugill

CD Spotlight. Bold and Inventive - Charles Avison's reworkings of Scarlatti, enjoyed by Robert Anderson. 'Avison's deployment of massed strings is wonderfully effective ...'

Ensemble. A Delicate Balance - Cavalli's 'La Calisto', reviewed by Robert Hugill

CD Spotlight. Refreshingly Innovative - Music by John Beckwith, reviewed by Natalie Artemas-Polak. '... an important voice in Canadian music ...'

Record Box. Doubled Concertos - Malcolm Tattersall listens to Bach

Le grand clavecin - The sixth Harpsichord Festival (Klavessiinifestival) in Tallinn, Estonia, 10-15 April 2008, attended by Peter G Howell

Rui dos Reis - Jennifer Paull interviews and investigates the Portuguese composer-pianist

CD Spotlight. A Definitive View - Imbi Tarum plays French Baroque harpsichord music, recommended by Peter G Howell. 'The playing is superb ...'

CD Spotlight. Unfamiliar Territory - Mike Hall plays baroque music on alto trombone, reviewed by Malcolm Tattersall. '... a voyage of discovery ...'

Ensemble. Arresting Playing - A recital by Althea Ifeka and Katherine May, reviewed by Mike Wheeler

CD Spotlight. Musical riches - A new recording of François Couperin's complete works for harpsichord, appreciated by Rex Harley. '... formidable technique and the deftest of touches.'

CD Spotlight. A delightful airing - The keyboard music of Matthew Locke, reviewed by Robert Anderson. '... crisp and lively ...'

CD Spotlight. Carefree brilliance - The keyboard music of Orlando Gibbons, enjoyed by Robert Anderson. '... technique and panache ...'

CD Spotlight. Couperin sorted - The 'Pièces de Clavecin', played in order of progressive difficulty, investigated by Ron Bierman. '... valuable for piano students.'

A man of many talents - Jennifer Paull pays tribute to Igor Kipnis, who died on 24 January 2002

Record box - No piano on that one. Basil Ramsey overhears musicians getting together

Record box - Two by two. Animals and music, with Basil Ramsey