Simultaneous measurement of NO and NO(2) by dual-wavelength quantum cascade laser spectroscopy

Opt Express. 2015 Jan 26;23(2):1512-22. doi: 10.1364/OE.23.001512.


The concept of a multi-wavelength quantum cascade laser emitting at two or more spectrally well-separated wavelengths is highly appealing for applied spectroscopy, as it allows detecting several species with compact and cost-efficient optical setups. Here we present a practical realization of such a dual-wavelength setup, which is based on a room-temperature quantum cascade laser emitting single-mode at 1600 cm-1 and 1900 cm-1 and is thus well-suited for simultaneous NO and NO2 detection. Operated in a time-division multiplexed mode, our spectrometer reaches detection limits of 0.5 and 1.5 ppb for NO2 and NO, respectively. The performance of the system is validated against the well-established chemiluminescence detection while measuring the NOx emissions on an automotive test-bench, as well as upon monitoring the pollution at a suburban site.