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Newark Catholic High School - Stephanie Backlund - Mathematics & English
Stephanie Backlund
[email protected]

Mathematics & English

Newark Catholic High School - Shane Ball - Theology


Newark Catholic High School - Dr. Ryan Bell - Science
Dr. Ryan Bell
[email protected]


Newark Catholic High School - Kelsey Bogner - Food Service Director
Kelsey Bogner
[email protected]

Food Service Director

Newark Catholic High School - Lauren Bogner - English
Lauren Bogner
[email protected]


Newark Catholic High School - Christine Bogue - Intervention Specialist
Christine Bogue
[email protected]

Intervention Specialist

Newark Catholic High School - Nancy Bourne - NCHS Foundation, Alumni Relations

NCHS Foundation, Alumni Relations

Newark Catholic High School - Bruce Bryers - Custodian
Bruce Bryers


Newark Catholic High School - Bruce Bryers -
Bruce Bryers

Newark Catholic High School - Keely Calvert - Guidance Counselor & Social Studies
Keely Calvert
[email protected]

Guidance Counselor & Social Studies

Newark Catholic High School - Angela Cornett - Instrumental Music Enrichment
Angela Cornett

Instrumental Music Enrichment

Newark Catholic High School - Angela Cornett -
Angela Cornett
[email protected]

Newark Catholic High School - Jeff Dodson - Maintenance Director

Maintenance Director

Newark Catholic High School - Leanna Foltz - Intervention Instructional Aide

Intervention Instructional Aide

Newark Catholic High School - Mr. Donel Gastineau - IT Coordinator and Intervention
Mr. Donel Gastineau
[email protected]

IT Coordinator and Intervention

Newark Catholic High School - Sadie Gastineau - Music
Sadie Gastineau
[email protected]


Newark Catholic High School - Chris Grieb - Campus Minister & Theology

Campus Minister & Theology

Newark Catholic High School - Bob Hayden - Custodian


Newark Catholic High School - Josh Hendershot - Dean of Students, Health/Wellness, Physical Education
Josh Hendershot
[email protected]

Dean of Students, Health/Wellness, Physical Education

Newark Catholic High School - Dr. Patrick Kent - Math
Dr. Patrick Kent
[email protected]


Newark Catholic High School - Mr. Joe Lough - Geometry, Pre-Calc, and Physics
Mr. Joe Lough
[email protected]

Geometry, Pre-Calc, and Physics

Newark Catholic High School - Christine Martin - Math
Christine Martin
[email protected]


Newark Catholic High School - Bailee McKenzie - English
Bailee McKenzie
[email protected]


Newark Catholic High School - Thomas McManus - Instructional Aide
Thomas McManus
[email protected]

Instructional Aide

Newark Catholic High School - Jody Mummey - Social Studies

Social Studies

Newark Catholic High School - Mr. Brian Nogay - Science
Mr. Brian Nogay
[email protected]


Newark Catholic High School - Meg O’ Reilly - Social Studies
Meg O’ Reilly
[email protected]

Social Studies

Newark Catholic High School - Stephanie Paul Tiberio - Vice-Principal of Academics
Stephanie Paul Tiberio
[email protected]

Vice-Principal of Academics

Newark Catholic High School - Tom Pickering - Principal
Tom Pickering
[email protected]


Newark Catholic High School - Brooke Riggleman - Director of Advancement, Admissions
Brooke Riggleman
[email protected]

Director of Advancement, Admissions

Newark Catholic High School - Mr. Trinity Roach - Latin and Ethics Elective
Mr. Trinity Roach
[email protected]

Latin and Ethics Elective

Newark Catholic High School - Dr. Roberts - School-Based Clinical Counselor

School-Based Clinical Counselor

Newark Catholic High School - Rob Smith - Athletic Director

Athletic Director

Newark Catholic High School - Jodi Snider - Bookkeeper, Students Records, EdChoice, Admissions

Bookkeeper, Students Records, EdChoice, Admissions

Newark Catholic High School - Julie Snider - Administrative Assistant

Administrative Assistant

Newark Catholic High School - Aliya Stevens - Art
Aliya Stevens
[email protected]


Newark Catholic High School - Braden Thress - Food Service
Braden Thress

Food Service

Newark Catholic High School - Patrice Vincent - Languages
Patrice Vincent
[email protected]


Newark Catholic High School - Phil West - Assistant Athletic Director

Assistant Athletic Director

Newark Catholic High School - Claudia Wing - Nurse
