Are you an Agricultural Water User?
Find tools and information about increasing your water-use efficiency and responding to drought, developed especially for you.
Good water management is the first step in ensuring a lasting water supply in your area throughout the growing season. Applying the right amount of water at the right time will help maximize your crop yield.
Benefits of Good Water Management
For your Farm:
- Reduce unnecessary water use by knowing your crops irrigation requirements and save water to be used later in the irrigation season.
- Reduce leaching of nutrients so that they remain available for your plants throughout the growing season.
- Maximize crop yield and reduce the risk of disease and pests.
For the Environment:
- Save water for other needs such as fish, wildlife and domestic users.
- Reduce surface water contamination through runoff as a result of over-irrigation.
- Reduce leaching of nutrients into groundwater.
Source: Irrigation Assessment Guide, Province of BC (2005)
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About This Project
The Okanagan Agricultural Water Supply Status Communications Pilot Project is a joint effort of the Okanagan Basin Water Board and the BC Agriculture & Food Climate Action Initiative.
Funding for this project has been provided in part by the Okanagan Basin Water Board and in part by the governments of Canada and British Columbia, and the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC, under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.
The Regional Adaptation Enhancement Program/Farm Adaption Innovator Program is delivered by the BC Agriculture & Food Climate Action Initiative.