Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: A relatively small room (such as a closet or pantry) or refrigerator or freezer that is spacious enough to walk into.
▸ noun: A relatively larger room or (especially) an apartment that is entered directly, not via an intervening passage or lobby.
▸ noun: A facility or an event that principally handles customers who do not have an appointment.
▸ noun: A facility accessed on foot rather than by car, usually contrasted to drive-in.
▸ noun: Someone who walks in (to a place, etc):
▸ noun: A customer, job applicant or similar who visits a restaurant, medical facility, car dealership, etc. without a reservation, appointment, or referral.
▸ noun: A defector (or similar) who walks into an embassy (etc) unannounced.
▸ noun: A demonstration or protest in which the participants assemble outside a facility, gain media exposure, and enter the facility in unison.
▸ noun: (parapsychology) A person whose original soul has departed the body and been replaced with another.
▸ adjective: That may be walked into:
▸ adjective: (of a place) That people may enter without a prior appointment.
▸ adjective: (US, of a facility) Accessed by walking, either exclusively, as a campground, or together with drive-in access, as at some drive-in movie theaters.
▸ adjective: (of a closet, pantry, refrigerator, freezer, etc) Spacious enough to walk into.
▸ adjective: Designed to be possible to walk into (without stepping over a ledge, etc).
▸ adjective: (of a thief or theft) Gaining access through unlocked doors.
walk-in wardrobe,
walk-in closet,
open house,
public place,
common area,
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