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Tattoo Gallery

Here are some tattoo pictures, all by "G". Some of the pictures are of her early work. She has been tattooing now for about 14 years. Her story is simple, she had her first tattoo done by a female with a homemade machine. Then it was on!!! G made her own machine, found plenty of free flesh and the rest is history. She loves the time she puts into the tattoo community with her bodyart beautifications and is also respected piercing artist.

Click on thumbnail to see a bigger pic!

this is my POPPA's first tattoo...it has the name of all his children (5) and some tribal work with two Stars of David brother's arm-tribal brother's calf-tribal tribal butterfly
sun tribal back snake on toe pansies with butterfly
the letter C cherries ivy harley skull
needs to be covered flower cover up fairy sitting in a lotus with fairy dust.... out of 16 pictures taken- not one of them came out good....so imagine... playboy tribal bunny
outline of sun colored in sun sublime moon- this guy has the sublime sun on the opposite arm chinese for peace
pixie's symbol chinese characters rose rose again
calf tribal fairy scorpion superman logo
superman tribal logo mexican band logo stars on fingers native american art on wrist
chinese cod outlined chinese cod colored hard tribal on calf red dragon
little freehand butterfly spiral symbols wizard American flag star
star on forearm stars on forearm fighting irish this was right in front of my door...we walked right by it...ran after my man...it is dead now..
scratches on calf teddy bear...cover up flower with petite tribal Gonzales in Old English
4 leaf clover in lower back tribal dragonfly on lower back star with soccer ball inside lady bug on neck
petite tribal on lower back Custom Design henna sun on bud! vibrantly colored butterfly with tribal this is a custom piece for my older bro of his wife's signature
unfinished totum on back...I still need to add color... this was a custom design piece by the client- my older bro unfinished dragon and castle tribal with water on neck
black cross on lower back yellow flower anklet yellow flower anklet yellow flower anklet
tiny sun on the lower back tribal panther fertility rose with rune symbol and tribal this is the pagan symbol for protection...
added the side work to the center piece cherry on the triangle pices symbol with cod fish
red star with mini stars within this is the start of a cover up on my man, it still needs color added... whale tail coming out of the ocean waters with sun beams love in chinese
american flag inside a star on the back of the calf above ankle dolphin with green highlights and tribal Big Head Berdie's first tattoo of a warrior fairy...wings not done yet custom design eyes-clients own work
Leopard Print across shoulder and down the spine...this felt good, huh Courtney?? Bottom Lotus was a cover up. It had a stem which lotus' don't have...the other lotus' were an add on trinity in traditional chinese characters Tinkerbell blowing kisses...
small butterfly on the ankle tribal cross on the center of the back Free Hand India-Like Sun on the top of right foot Scrumptious above the "genital area"
I did this tattoo with a home made machine over 7 years ago and finally touched it up freehand rune symbol stones with ivy freehand rune symbol stones with ivy freehand rune symbol stones with ivy
freehand rune symbol stones with ivy freehand rune symbol stones with ivy freehand rune symbol stones with ivy tribal dragon with "faith" in chinese
Cross with Flames Lightning Bolt on outter side of hand with colored sparkles...OUCH right T-Bone? This was the original work of another artist prior to me changing it up Yoli Canoli's new work...done on existing piece...Mutha Fuckin' OUCH!
I wish I had a better picture of this...this tattoo came out awesome and colorful Another view of this tattoo...the pics just don't do justice... This cool cats first tattoo...him and his bro hooked it up...and they got to see me eat shit! Honored to do my second tatt on this cat. Him and his bro hooked it up and he also got to see me eat shit!
mushroom dude on shawn this was supposed to be a beta fish but the fin was like a sea shell this was after making the sea shell fin look like a fin, we had to add a plant Lily Flower with tribal and water
Lily Flower with tribal and water Lily Flower with tribal and water Danzig Tribal Ode to Slipknot
Done by Myself, Manuel, and Bobbo on my apprentice, BIG HEAD! Cherry Blossoms and leave, with petals. Work in progress Shit, my apprentice was wailing like a kid without ice cream
Ahhh, do deal with the soreness...beautiful!! Done on Gil. Custom design...what a piece!!Done to look like henna on a buddy...Custom Design...ooh it felt so good!! Done to look like henna on a buddy...Custom Design...ooh it felt so good!!
Done to look like henna on a buddy...Custom Design...ooh it felt so good!! First tattoo and she took it like a champ Man...this guy was hurtin'...major bleeder, but cool cat! Finally...after all these years, she gets it colored in!! Wo0t!
Whoo hoo... I tattooed a virgin... my buddy! Kat got another tattoo and she whined like I never heard her before...haha! Buddy Brett Dogg My sisters first tattoo...she wouldn't let me finish...man...I never like to leave my work undone...and it had to be my own sis!!OH YEA!
muh lips tattooed on a buff calf muh lips tattooed on a buff calf sum do0d!!! tribal taurus bull
before pic of a rosebud after pic of rosebud with added art PISA...Chapa Chubacka...The OG Wookie!
This lovely lady gets inked again! Henna Moon. Fleur De Li on the lovely lady. Bear paws on lovely lady...her baby Bear!! Muh baby sisters first tattoo!!
My baby sisters first tattoo...other side... Social Distortion Piece... 4 Sons names on inner forearm...wookie time 4 sons names on inner forearm...wookie time
Beautiful Butterfly chest piece on my lil' Seester! Butterfly Skull Piece Flora, Music Notes, Abstract, with daughters name Black Widow in reverse colors...
Depeche Mode Playbunny Head on the ass cheek....ouch!!! hee hee!

Tattoo Majik-The only aftercare solution!!!

 Email "G" at Panik Attakz: [email protected]
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