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1970's Courtesy of Duane Zimmerman

Jefferson Super Department Stores

SW 104th Street and South Dixie Highway, Dade County, Florida

Thank you to Duane Zimmerman for contributing this image from a scan of his old employee name tag. He worked in the records department at the Jefferson around SW 104th Street and South Dixie Highway.

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Guest 23-Aug-2023 23:08
I worked Jeffersons Dept store 104th & SD Hwt with Virginia Smith prior to Stu, Sally Overly and Ed. It Was me(Kent Sonenberg), Virginia and Bob. I remember one Mothers day I did an unauthorized record sale for Mothers Day on Sunday. I put up a two sided rack full of The Mothers Of Invention albums with a sigh that Art(Arthur) made for me in the sign shop. and I put a red bow on the sign as well It Read HAPPY MOTHERS DAY. There was no extra discount, just thought it would be fun. I put it in the middle of the main isle entrance to the record dept. Everyone who bought records there thought it was great, we sold almost every record we had. Mr Ross(store Manager) came by late that day and told me under no circumstance could I do a sale without upper mgt approval, then I told and showed him how many Mothers albums I sold to which h(IMA)e said well, just get approval next time. I worked there 3 yrs when I left, my good friend Sally took my place. I then ran The House Of Rhythm.
Robert Bride 17-Nov-2020 14:57
Jefferson at 104th had the best record department in Dade County. I know this because customers would often come in sent by one of the dedicated music stores because we stocked everything. Virginia Smith, Ed Rogers, Stu, and Sally
I believe I know Duane. He chased a shoplifter(s) down and across US 1.
Robert Bride 17-Nov-2020 14:57
Jefferson at 104th had the best record department in Dade County. I know this because customers would often come in sent by one of the dedicated music stores because we stocked everything. Virginia Smith, Ed Rogers, Stu, and Sally
I believe I know Duane. He chased a shoplifter(s) down and across US 1.
Don Boyd22-May-2014 17:13
Guest of 22-MAY-2014: no, not yet but someday someone might contribute an image or I may find one on the internet and I'll post it.

Guest 22-May-2014 01:19
Do you have any photos of the store?
Guest 15-Jan-2012 11:55
I remember back many years ago the road sign at 104th street and U.S. 1 said So. Kendall Drive. The road sign at 88th street and U.S. 1 said No. Kendall Drive. They were both abbreviated that way. Those were the south and north boundaries of Kendall. Today you could live on Miller Drive (S.W. 56th street) 1/2 mile west of the Palmetto Expressway and many people would say you live in Kendall. Same thing applies to Eureka Drive (S.W. 184th street) on both sides of U.S. 1, down near Cutler Ridge. Almost half of south Dade county is referred to as Kendall these days.
Guest 15-Jan-2012 11:40
I remember one of my teachers at Miami Palmetto Sr. High School worked there at the 104th street location. I guess a teacher's salary wasn't enough.