Click on the San Damiano Crucifix to learn the meaning, symbolism, history, and theology of the San Damiano Crucifix, the symbol of the Confraternity of Penitents
Original Franciscan "Third Order" -- Confraternity of Penitents
Make Every Day a Path to Holiness

Confraternity of Penitents (people who are sorry for their sins and want to make up for them)
The original Rule of Life for lay people who wished to atone for past moral failures by turning fully to God, denying their self-will, and loving God and neighbor as called for by the Gospel.
A disciplined life created for the married or single laity and canonically approved by the Church
Updated for modern life.
Saint Francis of Assisi began his conversion by living this penitential life.
"You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with all your mind, (and) you shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Jesus's words as recorded in Matthew 22:37-38)
To give glory to God and surrender to His Will through the living of a medieval, penitential Rule of Life, the Rule of 1221. This Rule is lived as closely as possible to its original intent, and in one's own home, in peace with all others, and in obedience to the Roman Catholic Church, its Pope, and its Magisterium.
"Go and repair My House which, as you can see, is falling into ruin." (The message given to St. Francis in a voice from the San Damiano Crucifix. This scene is pictured above in the painting by Giotto.)
Most High, glorious God,
enlighten the darkness of my heart
and give me true faith,
certain hope and perfect charity,
sense and knowledge, Lord,
that I may carry out
Your holy and true command.
(St. Francis' Prayer before the San Damiano Crucifix)
Motto -- Vision -- Mission -- Prayer

Unique Charism

Living the original Rule for penitents (written in 1221, updated for modern life) in one’s own home
Monthly Zoom meetings
In person local gatherings as groups form, with priest, deacon, or male or female religious as spiritual advisor
Four year formation program with assigned formator – may be done by email, postal mail, in person
Consecrated to Blessed Mother Mary
The Confraternity of Penitents was refounded on the Queenship of Mary, August 22, 2003.
In the garb of penitents, which follows as closely as possible the original Rule (with modern updates so members don't stand out with their laced up sleeves and petticoats). the solid color blue, in honor of the Blessed Mother, was added to the original clothing colors.
Penitents pray the following Marian Consecration Prayer twice daily:
To you do we turn, O Holy Mary, glorious and Ever-Virgin Mother of God, Queen of Angels and of Saints, the "Virgin made Church." To you do we cry, O Handmaid of the Lord, Mother of the Suffering Servant, who made the Lord of Majesty our brother. For through you the most exalted Son of God emptied Himself for love of our love, taking the form of a slave in your womb and dying in destitution on a cross as He gave you to us, O Refuge of Sinners. To you do we fly as we beg you to obtain for us the true spirit of the Gospel.
Holy Immaculate Conception, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, taking you into our home, we consecrate and entrust ourselves and our Confraternity totally and forever to your Immaculate Heart. Make us your true sons and daughters and use our Confraternity as an instrument of Christ Our King to convert sinners, to sanctify souls, and to strengthen and renew the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, that God--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--may be glorified, praised, and adored by all mankind. Amen.

An Invitation to All Repentant Sinners
"I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." (Luke 5:32)
Are you a repentant sinner?
Do you want guidance in surrendering your past, present, and future to Jesus?
That's why the Rule of 1221 exists.
Contact us when you are ready.
God bless you.

You are the one that greatly change my life. I did not know how to live in simplicity. I did not know how to live like a religious. I wanted to become a sister or nun but my health is too bad. In the past I did not know how to dress in simple clothes. If I dressed too ugly , people would isolate me. Your rules guide my life. I can dress very simply and modestly, but no one knows I am doing penance. I am now very happy. I understand to live like a sister, I need to pray a part of , or the whole divine office everyday. I will not go to the extreme. I know how to live in balance. On some days we should fast, on some days we can relax. What a great inspiration from the rules of your confraternity! I cannot express how much heartfelt gratitude to you! Thank you so much!
Best wishes