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Chair is of antiquity and simplicity, though for many centuries and indeed for thousands of years, it was an article of state and dignity rather than an article ordinary use. “The Chair” is still widely used as an emblem of power in the British House of Commons and in public meetings. It was not really until the 16th century that it became common anywhere.
Chest, benches and stools were until then the ordinary seats, used in everyday life, and the number of chairs that survived from an earlier date is extremely limited; Most of these examples, the church or seigneurial origin. Our knowledge of the chairs of ancient times comes almost entirely from monuments, sculpture and paintings. There are several real-world examples in the British Museum and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
There are many types of chairs you can see today normally which are office chair, computer table chair, chair and a half, wing chair, chaise longue, club chair, occasional chair, klismos chairs, slipper chair, etc