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Thinking about getting some tropical fish and want to know how to feed them? Don’t worry, just read my guide of feeding tropical fish and learn the ropes with 4 simple and quick steps!
Step 1: Do your Research
Head to the pet store and look at the different types of fish food for sale; each food have different nutritional needs – make sure to find the right information! For example, herbivores eat seaweed fiber and carnivores need protein from live fish or special granules/flakes.
Step 2: Do Not Overfeed Your Tropical Fish
Fish love to eat, and it’s up to you to make sure that they do not overeat. Typically, tropical fish will eat just enough to fill their stomachs – usually 3 to 5 minutes after the start of the first meal. Additional food will be consumed and will remain in the tank for the water, which leads to pollution and disturbing the balance of the aquarium ecosystem.
Step 3: Make Sure to Observe the Feeding
It is important to keep an eye on your fish when they eat. There are many problems that may arise during this period. Different fish like different foods. It is important to understand the best tropical fish food for fish.