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A grave is a place where a dead body is buried (usually a human body, although sometimes it is an animal). The graves are usually located in special buried places, such as cemeteries or graveyards.
Some details of the grave, such as the condition of the body found in it, and all the objects found in the body can provide archaeologists with information about how the body could exist before its death, including the period in which it lived, and the culture in which it was part.
In some religions, it is believed that the body must be burned for the soul to survive; in other, the complete decomposition of the body is considered important to the rest of the soul.
Graveyards are usually established at the same time when a proper place of worship is built (which can vary from 8th to 14th centuries), and is often used by those families who cannot afford to be buried inside or under the place of worship. In most cultures, people who were very rich, had important professions, were members of the nobility, or had other high social status, were usually buried in separate crypts inside or under the appropriate place of worship, indicating the name of the deceased, date of death and other biographical data. In Europe, this is often accompanied by an image of their family coat of arms.
Later graveyards were replaced by cemeteries.