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The islands are the areas that are not associated with the continent, surrounded by water. One group of islands are often called an archipelago.
There are two main types of islands; continental islands and oceanic islands. Continental islands are part of the continental shelf. One example is the Great Britain is an island, which is located on the continental shelf of Europe. Oceanic islands are islands that do not sit on the continental shelf. Many oceanic islands are formed by underwater volcanoes, like Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
The smallest island nation in the world is Nauru with an Pacific area of 8.5 square miles.
Greenland is the largest island in the world, which is not a continent. It covers 822,706 square miles, which is twice more than the second largest island, New Guinea. For such a large island, Greenland has a population of only about 56,000 people, which is one of the least densely populated places in the world. This is because most of Greenland is covered by ice. Greenland is part of the North American continent, but a political principle has been part of Europe through the country of Denmark.