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Lambs are young sheep and do not differ from goats by their ability to live in difficult terrain and always take care of themselves. For this reason, they are often grown on land which cattle can’t cope on, such as steep or rocky terrain.
Lamb is the name given to the meat of a young sheep. The lamb are refereed to as “hoggets,” but the meat is sometimes sold as a “lamb”. Terminology can vary depending on who you buy meat and where you are from in the world. When hoggets get older, their meat is usually sold as “lamb”, although they will be called hogget or sheep.
Lambs learn to follow the old members of the herd. Sheep encourage their lambs to follow. Usually dominated by the members of the herd, followed by obedient ones. If there is a sheep in the herd, he usually leads.
Sheep are very social animals. In a grazing situation, they need to see other sheep. In fact, ensuring that the sheep always has visual contact with other sheep will prevent excessive stress when moving or handling them. According to animal behaviorists, a sheep usually requires a group of five sheep to show their normal behavior. Sheep will become highly agitated if they separate from the rest of the herd.