Whether for personal or business purposes, one of the main goals of most Facebook users is to collect more likes and reactions. This article will describe ten simple ways to increase the number of likes for any post.

1. Keep Your Page Up To Date

It is important to note that updating your page does not mean spamming your Facebook followers. Getting more visibility on social media by posting periodically will result in more likes, reactions, and even comments. However, publishing too often is quite, frankly, boring. As a result, your friends will literally like your post less, which also translates into Facebook likes!

2. Filtering

You can and should choose what you share on Facebook. If you have a Facebook page that you update correctly, but the content is missing, you may not reach your likes target. Ask yourself: what is the point of this post? A post will have more impact if its meaning is clear to its audience, whether its intention is to be funny, touching, or to stimulate reflection.

3. Add Photos

Any post to which a photo is attached will attract more attention than any solid text post. When you decide to include a photo in your post, choose one that catches the eye of someone scrolling through their newsfeed. While adding a photo will surely increase your likes, be sure to include one of the good quality. If someone stops to look at your eye-catching photo, it will be curious enough to stop, so take the opportunity to share what you want.

4. Factors of Exposure

Before posting to Facebook, consider the factors that will affect your Facebook likes. These include trendy topics and viral posts. If you want more people to see your posts, it is best to include topics that are currently in fashion on Facebook so that your post is seen in this thread. To do this, you can take advantage of current affairs, such as the last American elections. Mentioning or recreating viral posts can also trigger increased exposure and likes, for example, the challenge of the popular model.

5. Post Time

Time plays a bigger role in receiving likes than you might think. Obviously, a post at 3 a.m. will result in fewer likes, but there are also less obvious moments to avoid. Avoid all of the times when you know people are occupied with real social interactions: office hours, happy hours, dinner hours, and morning rush hours.