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Mask cover or partially cover the face or head, is used as a cover, protection or hiding the identity. Masks worn since ancient times all over the world. They are used by primitive peoples, above all, to pretend to be supernatural beings or animals in religious and magical rites.
Greek masks that were used in the theater had brass megaphones, where the mouth of mask is to expand to amplify what the actors says.
Ancient Egyptian death masks are made so that the soul can recognize the body and help the deceased to be adopted by other divine immortal in the afterlife.
In Chinese opera masks all colors coded and each color describes the identity of the character, that mask represents. Thus, viewers get better and faster idea for the characters and their relationships.
In Korea, the methods of mask used in dances for fun, but also an opportunity for satire and social commentary.
Mask credit: Travail-de-lame