Monkey PNG Transparent Images


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Monkeys are always been regarded as fun, cute and entertaining witty animals. They are often shown in films as having close interaction with people and have the opportunity to be one and the same level of interactivity that is not shared with other animals in the realm of mammals.

Monkeys were found in the central African in South Asia, Japan and India are classified as old monkeys of the world, while those found in Mexico and Central and South America, are classified as New World Monkeys. The differences between these two groups of monkeys have the form of different physical characteristics.

Many people think that monkeys only eat bananas, but this is wrong. Monkeys are omnivorous. This means that they eat meat and plant foods. Most monkeys eat nuts, berries, seeds and flowers. Some monkeys also eat meat in the form of bird’s eggs, small lizards, insects and spiders.

Most monkeys live in trees, but there are some who live in savannas and mountain areas. Monkey tribes stay on the move to find food, so that the one place isn’t their home for a long time.

Monkeys are very social creatures. Groups of monkeys called missions, tribes, troops or cartloads. A troop of monkeys will work together to care for the young monkeys in their group. They also love to play, cuddle and protect each other. The strongest and largest male monkeys is leader of the troop.
