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The mud consists of soil, loam, silt, or clay mixed with water. It usually forms after precipitation or near water sources. Ancient mud deposits harden over geological time to form sedimentary rocks such as shale or mudstone (usually called lutites). When geological deposits of mud form in estuaries, the resulting layers are called bay mud.

The mud can be made into mud bricks, also called adobe, by mixing mud with water, placing the mixture in moulds, and then allowing it to air dry. Straw is sometimes used as a binder in bricks because it makes it a composite. When the brick would otherwise break, the straw redistributes the force through the brick, which reduces the risk of breakage. These buildings should be protected from groundwater, usually by building on a masonry, fired brick, stone or rubble foundation, and also from wind-driven rain in humid climates, usually by overhangs of the deep roof. In arid climates, a well-drained flat roof can be protected with a well-prepared and well-maintained dry mud coating (puddle), viable because the mud will expand when moistened and thus become more resistant to water. Pueblo Indians commonly used adobe mud bricks to build their homes and other necessary structures. In some countries, there are whole cities made of raw brick houses.

Mud can cause problems for car traffic in the presence of moisture, because each function of the vehicle that changes direction or speed depends on the friction between the tires and the road surface, so a layer of mud on the surface of the road or tires can cause the vehicle to hydroplane.

Heavy rain, snowmelt, or high groundwater levels can trigger soil or sediment movement, which can cause landslides, landslides, avalanches, or sinkholes.

Mudslides in volcanic terrain (called lahars) occur after eruptions because rain re-mobilizes loose ash deposits.

Mudslides were also common in the western United States during the El Niño years due to prolonged rains. Another problem that mud creates is that it can be challenging to get out of it if it gets stuck, most peat bogs are more dangerous than quicksand because you can sink deep into the mud. You can drown in a peat bog as these are deep bodies of water with vegetation above.

There are many dysphemisms for bad taste foods such as “tastes like dirt.” Kava tea has often described this way because it is bitter, brown and contains sediment.

There are also recipes for children for “mud,” which is usually chocolate or cornstarch-based mud used more for visual appeal than the actual taste. This confectionery mud never really contains real mud.
