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The hot air oven was invented by Pasteur. It works on the principle of dry heat to sterilize products that are used in various industries. The device is ideally suited for heat operation in the range of 50 to 300 degrees Celsius (122 to 572 degrees Fahrenheit). The device operates on a thermostat to control temperature. It can control the temperature of the device, which is displayed digitally. The double-walled construction makes the device reliable and retains heat for a long time.
Working Principle
The principle of its operation depends on the exact pressure of air convection in the heated inner chamber. The design of the double-walled device and the automated control system ensure the homogeneous heat and accurate sequence of operations, as well as quick recovery time after opening the door. This type of industrial ovens is better to determine its cost-effective operation. It is best suited for the gentle heating and drying of basic substances. The silent operation of the device is another feature that makes it reliable.
Hot Air Oven Benefits
- The device uses dry heat to sterilize industrial and laboratory products.
- It has thermostatic based control of the heat management.
- It works well with a digital interface for heat management.
- It has a double-walled construction that helps maintain heat and save energy.
- The balance between the inner and outer walls is well maintained for maximum thermal efficiency.
- Insulation ensures the safety of the surfaces of the tool and prevents it from burning.
- The silent hot air fan is well designed to evenly move air and improve the temperature distribution around the product.
- The stainless steel polish inside the chambers provides protection against corrosion and also ensures long-term operation of the device.
Hot air ovens are the best for industrial and laboratory use. In laboratories, products such as glass flasks or cylinders coated with aluminum foil, nylon or glass syringes, glass tubes, glass or aluminum Petri dishes, metal needles, lancets and forceps, dry swabs in glass tubes, glass pipettes (graduated and pasteurized) with the closed ends of the bottle with aluminum caps with silicone linings, etc. are safe for use with ovens. However, the above products must be dry before use and must be sterilized within 60 degrees C.