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S is the 19th letter in the current English alphabet and the main Latin ISO alphabet.
According to numerology, S is equal to number 1, and people whose names begin with the letter S are leaders and often work very well in all spheres of life.
People whose names begin with the letter “S” are considered extremely loyal. They are not frankly romantic, because they believe more in unspoken words and actions than to show love through big gestures and expensive gifts.
Since their corresponding number is one, they are warm, loving and compassionate to everything. If they see a person who is in trouble, they go out of their way to help that person.
They are honest and trustworthy. They also become very impulsive when they get angry or frustrated. Sometimes it prevents people from understanding them.
They do not like to share their feelings. This makes it difficult for them to understand, and the end result is that they prefer to leave, which can also lead to depression.
They are beautiful both inside and out. They may feel deeper for other people in happy and sad times. They are extremely fascinating, which makes their personality quite interesting.
Usually these people give importance to money, and the end result is that they act as successful businessmen, politicians or actors. The monetary factor of comfort for them means a lot.