Sad Girl PNG Transparent Images


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You’re dating a sad girl. You are a very happy person, so full of life and joy, but your partner is not. She is filled with a deep sadness that she cannot explain, and she often hides in the depths of her heart, seeking light to lighten her darkness and put an end to her sadness. But all that she discovers is more anxiety, worry, and sad thoughts.

You are a person who always finds joy, at every step – pure ecstasy. Someone who is so motivated to start the day can’t wait to jump out of bed and see what morning has for you. But you will meet a sad girl. You try not to notice it, but sometimes you can’t help but think about it, and it hurts. You don’t know what the battle is like.

She tries to be more like you, to find the source of her step, to appreciate the whole life that she can offer her. But it is more difficult than she could imagine. She had never seen such a bright world with rose-colored lenses. For her every day brings constant disappointments that only contribute to her sadness, coloring the gloomy shade of gray in her eyes. But she is ready to try for you. She folds a happy face and smiles through silent suffering. And sometimes, trying to be happy, drains her of each ounce of energy that she have, making it even harder to be with you. She is simply exhausted.

But she loves you so much. She loves you so much that she can’t tell you about her thoughts, because she is afraid that she will lose you. If she knew what she was thinking at the moment, she would quickly run in the opposite direction. She breaks it inside when a thought comes to her mind. Not because you can’t handle it, but because you can’t handle her. You can not be the only source of happiness in your life – the pressure is too much for one person. And why should you be responsible for this? Or at least that’s what she thinks.

She does not know that you are ready and willing to help her, keep her within you, support her and calm her down when necessary. If she falls, you won’t let her. You will lift it on your shoulders. Because to see her happy is the same as seeing the sun for the first time after a long dark winter. And it is easier than anything you can imagine. Maybe you should tell her.

She is afraid to open up to you. That is why you must open your heart to her and tell her that she is not alone and will not allow her to be alone in this. You will overcome it together. But until today you will try to protect her from the storm, which is her depression. And all the time she will try to protect you from her depression too.
