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Shrek Animated Film Featuring Comedic Green Ogre PNG
Shrek (known as Sir Shrek) is the main titular character of the Shrek franchise. He is the husband of Fiona, the best friend of Donkey and Puss, the father of the triplets ogre, and the son-in-law of Queen Lillian and King Harold.
Shrek is a green ogre with brown eyes. He wears a white tunic with long sleeves in a brown turtle designed mini vest, brown trousers and dark short boots with rip folded design in each side. When rescuing Fiona from the tower, he wears pieces of knight armor.
In Shrek 2, when he was transformed into a human and muscular man with short dark brown hair with one fringe sprouted on his left. He also had a clean-shaven beard.
As a man, Shrek disregarded his now-baggy clothes for a brown sleeveless armor shirt with an olive green trim and markings of leaves, along with a white long sleeved tunic. He also wears olive green pants and brown short boots with a light brown, folded design in each side.