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Benefits of Using the International SIM Card
International SIM-card has many advantages for each traveler. This is one of the best ways to keep your calls and text messages costs down. You can save an average of 85% for calls and international destinations as compared to exorbitant roaming charged with a number of national carriers in the United States. When you activate the mobile phone you will be given a phone number that you can give to your family, friends and colleagues before you go. Ease of knowing that your phone number will be up to the time at your destination allows it to be more accessible to your friends, family and business associates while travelling.
You also have the option to save the current mobile phone and simply change the SIM card from the local to the international. Most cards work in more than 140 countries, with almost free incoming calls, featured in 40 countries, depending on the service card. There usually are no hidden charges with SIM-cards, but it is always best to check the fine print.
You never have to worry about being overloaded or misleading. These cards also do not have any additional cost to call other mobile numbers, in contrast to other cellular operators. Still no call set up charges or the only major advantage is that it allows you to avoid major roaming costs.