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Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day is a day set aside to give thanks, traditionally to God, when the harvest season comes to an end. It is celebrated in different ways and at different times in different parts of the world. While Thanksgiving is a holiday in the United States and is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, it is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada.
It is however, the main event in the UK, where it is also known as the feast of the harvest. On this day, family and friends are going on a holiday to celebrate the good fortune to relax and enjoy each other. Turkey is one of the key item of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. The next day also marks the unofficial beginning of the winter holiday season.
Thanksgiving Day is one of the oldest festivals celebrated throughout history around the world. We have learned from the ancient tribes to making proposals and to prepare feasts to thank their gods and seek their favor. It is estimated that in the United States, Thanksgiving was originally a harvest festival held by the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony in 1621. During the first Thanksgiving, the pilgrims had a three-day celebration in honor of its abundant harvest after their arrival in North America.