Anna Reeves

Anna Reeves Poems

My Eyes Are Heavy,
Full Of Sleep,
My Tears Twinkle,
When I Weep,

Death is not to be laughed at,
Nor cried at,

Death it is strong,

I can sit here,
all day and write,
why i hate you,

Once at night my love
well return,

The night so dark,

Not much you can say about love,
It is a four (4) letter word,
It comes out of your month,
You say it to me,

Came cure me,
From the light,
For it is to bright,
For my little heart,

Tears run down,
My face,
The emotions fells to the top,
Let it end,

People alwas say,
I'll give you a second chance,
People say i love you,
when they going out,

The day we walk together, will it ever come
The dreams that never came true,
The thought you never knew,
for now we walk alone,

When someone says they love you
Your world finally as a edge
When someone kisses you
Your world melts

You watch me when i sleep,
You watch when i'm awake,
You watch me eat,

The Best Poem Of Anna Reeves

My Fight For My Life!

My Eyes Are Heavy,
Full Of Sleep,
My Tears Twinkle,
When I Weep,
My Face Is Pale,
My Lips Are Blue,
My Obsession With Depression,
Has Taken Hold,
My Addiction To Self Infliction,
Is Getting Worse,
I Watch My Blood Role Down The Drain,
I Feel Relive In My Pain,
I Hate This Life,
As I Carved This Word Into My Arm
With A Knife,
Once Again My Worries Fade,
And I Dream Of a Better Day,
So Here I Am,
Half One In The Morn,
Fourteen Years And To Many Tears,
Already The Depression Has Taken Hold,
Fourteen Years,
Not Many Stories To Be Told,
But The Depression Has the Hold.

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