Frank Avon

Frank Avon Poems

The scores are evening up:
I'm now behind
57 to 49
not a bad alignment

Just another way
to frustrate me

Just another way

It's raining.
The day is gray.

'... which bards
in fealty
to Apollo hold'

Let there be no snow
save in paintings
as by a window framed
in the palace of their love.

From childhood on
I walked the woods
and hills of Tennessee:

The church on a rock
looks like
a lighthouse
an ark:

They called it yogurt-go;
they said it was strawberry,
but it was just a whiff.

It's no longer there,
the redbud outside my window

its heart-shaped leaves,

12.27.1962 - present

I never expected less
I never knew what to expect

The land I sprang from
lies fallow now.

Rolling fields where once crops grew -

Every day
there comes a moment,

a sign

One tuft of snow
one fragile patch
all that's left
of January's rout -

December isn't
the end of the year;
we only pretend it is
because it's dark outside,

The only thing one's certain of
is that one can be certain of nothing;
is a cardinal sin,

Every single day
just before midnight
make yourself a list,
at least five each day.

Two a day
is what I try for:
Vitamin B12
and poems I draft

She was walking across
the tree-shaded Quad,
no, not walking,
she was tripping across

in a brochure a cure-all

Belly fat starts to melt away


Another 100

Verses are lines:
that's what the word means.

Frank Avon Biography

The person for whom Frank Avon is a pseudonym is 77 years old - and has been for some time. It sounds like a lucky number, so he feels he might as well stick with it for a while. He was an educator for 45 years, and is now retired, though not graciously, for he misses teaching every single day. He has written thousands of poems, but has never permitted any of them to be published (except for a few that one of his former students persuaded him to allow her to use in a professional journal, for which she was poetry editor) . Many of his students, however, are prize-winning poets, novelists, short story writers, essayists, and scholars. As a poet and teacher of poetry, this is the pride of his life. Nowadays he spends his time working crosswords, playing solitaire, pruning and pulling weeds in his yard, and whining about old age. He has been married to an ideal wife for over fifty years: they have five children, literally scattered all over the globe, and five grand-children. They also have a raggle (rat terrier + beagle) named Peanut who runs their lives, and every so often demands that a poem be written about him. Frank Avon always complies.)

The Best Poem Of Frank Avon

Treasure Island: Overall Statistics

The scores are evening up:
I'm now behind
57 to 49
not a bad alignment
for a lowly freshman.

I stand by my convictions;
I still don't like 'Invictus, '
at least every day
somebody reads what I say,
tho I'm a lowly freshman.

I still don't understand
how I accrued eighteen
unsuitable messages. I mean
I'm not that underhanded.
I'm just a lowly freshman.

You see
what stats
say to me;
you're just a lowly freshman.

Frank Avon Comments

Kumarmani Mahakul 26 May 2020

Frank Avon is a very highly talented and motivational poet of high reputation. He writes beautiful poems on various topics but he is a naturalist poet. He keenly observes nature and beauty and his poetic mind sings beautifully. I have read and reviewed his magical poems and I am very much pleased. Frank is indeed a great poet who has natural power and gifted qualities to express his thought, emotion, learning and perception. He is a legendary poet of natural perception!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 26 May 2020

I am wishing all the best to poet Frank Avon for his high literary perseverance! May God bring unlimited happiness and fortune for him! BEST WISHES FROM: Poet Kumarmani Mahakul, Ranked #309 on date 23 May 2020, Saturday, Ranked # 320 on date 24 May 2020, Sunday, #334 on date 25 May 2020, Monday, and ranked #325 on date 26 May 2020, Tuesday, on top 500 poets of the world (As per the World Poetry Database Information)

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Marianne Reninger 07 December 2015

If you are really from Tennessee, and really was an educator, I invite you to read my poem, Little Teacher about Lenore Whitaker Wood, the young teacher who left Asheville, N.C. for eastern Tenn. in 1902 to teach and inspired the book by Katherine Marshall, called, Christi. Perhaps, you might enjoy it! Thanks, Marianne Reninger

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Daniel Brick 18 February 2015

Frank, this a sterling poem and I am greatly honored to acknowledged as probably my favorite poem about me I ever read. First, you got aspects of my personality so right, the insights add up to a chaacter study, rYou sprinkled poem titles therby showing what I've always believed the poems are US. In the second I felt like a character from the Mdernist Era (my favoritr) with the theme of fragmentation of any stable identty. Anow I confess I have not slept lately and mltiple typing errors and also these displays of letters when I fall asleep at

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