.Pd. is here

.Pd. is here Poems

Have you ever wondered what friendship is?
Friendship is a strong thread,
Which can never be broken.

Have u ever thought actually
What it would be like, without a family.

Family is the only one,

I wish I were the tear falling from your eye
Gliding down your cheek
Sensing your skin
Soaking up a kiss


Music touches you the most,
It refreshes you with its serenity.
Be it Do, Re, Me or Sa, Re, Ga, Ma,
Music is the soul of life.

Where The River Mingles With The Fathomless Sea,
Where The Moon Floats Between The Sky Starry,
Where Wishing Upon Falling Stars Can Answer Every Prayer-
My Love, I Shall Meet You There.

Everyday newspapers are
Column to column full,
With the stories of crime by youth
Without any lull.

Skinned knees
Aching bellies
An Ankle sprain;
Mother, your one kiss was enough

A bouquet of flowers
An expensive gift
A lavish dinner
Was there really a need for all this?


En Barish ki boondo ko dekh,
Karte hai yeh bhi ishara ek,

I skipped and ran across the field
To find love so that this world can be healed
This world was hurt with evil’s knife
I wanted to fight and bring it back to life.

Born in the famine struck Africa
Living at the age of five
You told me mother,
That I was lucky to be alive.

I’ll ward off the darkness
Just like candle does for a room
Not a single shade of black will exist
There’ll be a gamut of stars and a full moon.

Hold my hand
Guide me a while
Prepare me to walk
For endless miles.

I can sink in your eyes
And bathe in your tears.

I can feed on your lips

When Two Pieces Of Broken Heart Cannot Be Glued,
That’s When I Die Waiting For You.
Bury Me, Like They Do To The Dead,
But Don’t Put Me In A Coffin

God didn’t gift
The twigs to the crow
To make his nest.

Feel me; I’m velvet
Drink me; I’m sherbet
Play me; I’m your flute
Taste me; I’m a passion fruit.

The crystalline tear that slipped away
And words that didn’t help them pause.
Hands of the clock that sashay
When you want to hear the endless applause.


The canvas of black
On display each night.
Laced with fluffly clouds
Stars lending them a soft light.

Hope Was Hoping
That Hopefully
It would be
Able to Fulfil

The Best Poem Of .Pd. is here


Have you ever wondered what friendship is?
Friendship is a strong thread,
Which can never be broken.

Friendship is everlasting,
And can only be destroyed
When death comes by.

Friendship is like a delicate leaf,
Which once destroyed
Can never be got again.

It is a thing which connects,
Two human souls,
With a bond of love.

Friendship is unbreakable,
It strengthens with
Love, affection and care.
It is the greatest GIFT OF GOD FOR MANKIND.

.Pd. is here Comments

Meghan - 15 July 2006

I love your poetry, it's kind of spiritual and I like the fact that you write about your values and question why some things are wrong in this world. I don't really know how to explain how I see it...but anyway keep up the great job! Look forward to reading more. Meghan

7 1 Reply

You are doing a great job Preeti, keep writing good poetry for us.

5 1 Reply
Otteri Selvakumar 03 January 2006

Write...write...Your great full hands with newley world...

4 1 Reply
Lourdes Brubeck 07 September 2018

I love your way of telling simple things and feelings in such a beautiful way

2 1 Reply
Amber Raul 04 February 2008

ohh how do u come up with these poems.you are a good writter

6 6 Reply
Jerry Hughes 10 June 2007

It's a joy finding a writer like Preeti, this young lady has a wealth of talant...

5 5 Reply
Catastrophe King 19 August 2006

This Poet is one of the most prolific poetry readers herself that I have come across in PoemHunter.com; she has read so many poets and I have seen her comments almost every where. She herself is a very talented poet with lot of imagination and thoughts. She is a creator.

5 4 Reply
Arti Chopra 14 August 2006

a smile that reached your eyes, a smile that told no lies, when the time spent together had gone, it was your smile that lingered on.. ... that was a very moving and apt poem, ..beautiful and simply put...well done Preeti

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