15 Hot Celebrity Guys Who Make the Man Bob Cool

Rumor has it the man bob is making a comeback just in time for the Fall chill. First the scruffy beard took hold, then the man bun hit the red carpet, and now the guys are taking 2014's hottest hair trend and making it their own.

This isn't the first time long hair has been popular on men. In the early '90s, all the skater boys and surfer dudes were growing extralong locks — remember the "MMMBop" days and Hanson. So we've rounded up our favorite famous gents who've worn the man bob to give your significant other inspiration. We have to admit that hair-grab move (seen on Colin Farrell above) is superhot. So if your guy has long hair, coax him into a haircut. And if he's rocking a short crop, convince him to grow it out. Tell him: if Brad Pitt is doing it, it's definitely cool!

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt

Brad must carry around his own wind machine for moments like this. He's had many different styles in his long acting career, but this dapper goatee-bob combination is one of our favorites.

Joe Manganiello
Getty | Chelsea Lauren

Joe Manganiello

Some men might feel insecure about having a better mane than most women, but Joe has such a surge of testosterone that he really can't help but grow thick, manly hair — everywhere.

Christian Bale
Getty | Jason Merritt

Christian Bale

Christian is a man of mystery and intrigue, meaning he doesn't have time to go to a barber! He's too busy getting into trouble (swoon).

Johnny Depp
Getty | Bill Davila

Johnny Depp

Johnny is the king of the man bob. Seriously, he was doing the ombré thing way before the ladies were, and just look at those layers!

Tom Cruise
Getty | KMazur

Tom Cruise

This longer hairstyle makes any action role Tom takes on 10 times much better. Somehow riding a motorcycle is just sexier with strands blowing in the wind.

Chris Hemsworth
Getty | Anita Bugge

Chris Hemsworth

At this point, we really can't even imagine Chris with short locks anymore. He will forever be Thor in our hearts.

Ashton Kutcher
Getty | Gregg DeGuire

Ashton Kutcher

Remember when Ashton was wearing the geeky middle-part bob? Yeah . . . That happened.

Colin Farrell
Getty | Vera Anderson

Colin Farrell

Something about Colin's tattoo, scarf, and bob combination makes us want to bite our lip . . . Or his lip, if he's offering.

Tom Brady
Getty | Michael Hickey

Tom Brady

We're calling this the "I'm on vacation" man bob. With that straw hat, Tom is giving us all types of beach fantasies.

David Beckham
Getty | Steve Finn

David Beckham

One can argue that David's best hair days were his man-bob days. Sure, his hair was longer than Victoria's, but coordinating crops is what made them the couple of the century.

Keanu Reeves
Getty | Vera Anderson

Keanu Reeves

This is the grown-up version of Keanu's Bill & Ted bob, and dude, it's supersexy.

Jared Leto
Getty | Charles Eshelman

Jared Leto

Only Hollywood rock stars can pull off a honey-blond man bob like this.

Ben Barnes
Getty | Malcolm Taylor

Ben Barnes

Not only do we want to stare at this wob (wavy lob), but we want to listen to Ben coo in our ear with his charming British accent.

Gabriel Aubry
Getty | Jon Kopaloff

Gabriel Aubry

When you're a male model like Gabriel, any hair length works. But this longer look really makes his eyes smolder (seriously, is he smizing?).

Orlando Bloom
Getty | JB Lacroix

Orlando Bloom

If Johnny Depp is the man-bob king, then Orlando is the prince. The curly bob is his go-to hairstyle, and it goes perfectly with his bohemian vibe. Oh, Romeo . . .