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8 Free Sample House Maintenance List Templates

Just as the regular oil changing of the car keeps it working well, house maintenance also keeps your house in presentable form. The regular maintenance of the house also means that you will have to waste no money in the future and there will be no issue related to the maintenance of the house. Download these 8 Free Sample House Maintenance List Templates to assist you in creating your Maintenance List easily.

House maintenance includes lots of things. It can be a bit complicated if you are new to this. The maintenance list is no doubt long. The majority of the tasks which are mentioned in this list are so easy to perform and so simple that you can do them without any experience.

Using House Maintenance List Templates:

The maintenance list is created for the people who want to see all the things of the house stay in order and remain in good condition. You can enlist all the tasks that are done regularly. This list can be created on paper or you can also get online help for this purpose. Not all the items in the house are required to be maintained regularly. Some require weekly maintenance while some are required to be maintained after months or years.  The maintenance of the house also depends on the season. Here are some tips which can help you in designing the maintenance list.

  1. Figure out all those tasks which you think are very important to be performed in maintenance. Make a list of all those tasks which you think you should do and also those tasks which you have already done. Often, this list contains the tasks which are required to be done occasionally. The same list can be used many times. If you do not have any idea about creating the maintenance list, then you can get help from the internet.
  2. As told earlier, every task on the list is not required to be done monthly or weekly. Some tasks can be done yearly and some require maintenance after one month. Such tasks should be given priority and should be written at the top of the list.

House Maintenance List Application:

When you complete a task, make an entry in the calendar about that task. Also, set the reminder of the task on some other date on the calendar when you want that task to be done again. You can think carefully about the days when you will be free to perform those tasks. This process will be very helpful for you. If you will prepare this list at the start of the year then you will feel relaxed the whole year and it will have positive effects on your house as well.

  1. While designing this list, categorize the maintenance tasks into monthly, quarterly, and annually performed tasks. Annual maintenance may depend on the seasons of the year. For example, in summer, you may be required to book a chimney sweep or in the winter, you may want to flush the water heater. Cleaning out gutters may be necessary after every six months and cleaning the garbage disposal may fall into the category of the tasks which are required to be performed twice a month.

Free House Maintenance List Templates

Here is a preview of This First Sample House Maintenance List Template using MS Word.

Download the link for this Sample House Maintenance List Template.

Here is a preview of another Sample House Maintenance List Template using MS Excel.

Download the link for this Sample House Maintenance List Template.

Here is a preview of another Sample House Maintenance List Template using MS Excel.

Download the link for this Sample House Maintenance List Template.

Here is a preview of another Sample House Maintenance List Template using MS Excel.

Download the link for this Sample House Maintenance List Template.

Here is a preview of another Sample House Maintenance List Template in PDF Format.

Download the link for this Sample House Maintenance List Template.

Here is a preview of another Sample House Maintenance List Template in PDF Format.

Download the link for this Sample House Maintenance List Template.

Here is a preview of another Sample House Maintenance List Template in PDF Format.

Download the link for this Sample House Maintenance List Template.

Here is a preview of another Sample House Maintenance List Template in PDF Format.

Download the link for this Sample House Maintenance List Template.
