In this article, you will learn: What does living and working across cultures do to your identity How to adapt effectively The more years I spent in the UK, the more I felt like I’m too Polish for a Brit, and too British for a Pole… You know, it’s like you can never fit in […]
Types Of Expat Visits Home – Which One Are You?
In this article, you will learn: Four types of “roles” we take on when visiting relatives and friends back home How to get the most out of the visits home, without the overwhelm When you live abroad, you’ll inevitably go back home sooner or later – visiting family, friends, “the old home”… But – – […]
Is moving abroad a good choice?
If you’re reading this article, then you likely have this question in your head already. My counter question to you is: what triggered this thought for you? What made you think that moving abroad could be a choice you could make? In this article, you will learn: Katie’s story of her decision making process Why […]
How to stay connected with family and friends when living abroad
In this article, you will learn: How to find the right way for you to stay connected Top tips on how you can approach managing your remote relationships I asked you on Instagram lately about how as an expat you make sure to stay connected and manage these remote relationships with friends and family. Interestingly […]
Are you experiencing an identity crisis?
In this article, you will learn: What is identity and how it’s formed How moving abroad can trigger an identity crisis What you can do to make the identity shift a more seamless experience Identity, even by definition, is the set of qualities and characteristics that describe a person and distinguish them from others. “Who […]
Temporary move which turned out to be a longer-term international adventure – Claudia’s Spanish story
It is finally the time for me to bring another guest writer to Project Abroad! Claudia is the other half of Sincerely Spain blog which is a website that discusses culture, travel, and life abroad in Spain. I’m saying the other half because you could read Dani’s story last month on the blog as well! […]
Things to have in mind when accepting an assignment abroad
What is the first thing that would come to your mind if you were confirmed to do a project abroad? For many people it would be booking flights and accommodation, sorting out visas if necessary, perhaps doing some vaccinations too. It could also be learning more about the client’s company and results to-date, or maybe […]
When common sense doesn’t feel that common
I had a cold recently and I thought it fits into the topic of common sense perfectly. Any time someone found out about me having a cold and not feeling well, they had their own advice as to what I should be doing. “Oh, poor thing! Hang in there and drink lots of tea with […]
Intentional travelling – how to get more out of frequent business travel
Travelling for work is often a good selling point, which companies use to attract young professionals. Taglines of “you will get to see the world”, “you will get to work with people from other cultures”, “you will increase your international experience” are frequently used. And all that really is possible, but it is your personal […]
Why growing your cultural competence might be a good idea?
Very often in global companies nowadays, there is talk about diversity – making sure to be inclusive of various personalities, personal lives and backgrounds, religious traditions and much more. Somehow, many of them don’t mention cultural competence as a tool that can help manage those differences. But let’s think about it a bit more. Our […]