Avocados are so goof for our health that we really should be eating more of them. They aren’t reserved for cold food, they can equally be delicious served hot. This recipe is very easy to make and the results are fantastic.
Avocados are so goof for our health that we really should be eating more of them. They aren’t reserved for cold food, they can equally be delicious served hot. This recipe is very easy to make and the results are fantastic.
Melt the butter in a saucepan on moderate heat.
Add the flour and mix well for for approx 30 seconds.
Add the cold milk and mix well, using a whisk until sauce thickens.
Add a few shakes of Cayenne pepper (careful as it’s hot)
Add some grated nutmeg.
Add salt to taste and mix well.
With the avocado, insert the knife blade lengthwise and cut around the circumference. Hold avocado in palm of hand and twist off one half to release. The stone is exposed. Carefully tap the stone with the blade of the knife. Twist knife and pull out stone.
Scoop out some of the flesh to allow for more room, not too much. Cut into dice and add to sauce.
Remove the tails from the shrimps (prawns) and slice into chunky pieces, approx 3 or 4 per shrimp.
Heat up a frying pan with the olive oil to quite hot, and toss in the shrimp pieces for approx 60 seconds. Add to sauce.
Chop the spring (green) onion finely and add to sauce.
Using al foil, shape one piece per avocado half into an oval donut shape so you can sit it ontop level.
Using a spoon, divide and add the mixture to each avocado.
Top with grated Parmesan cheese.
Bake for 10-15 min at 400°F – 200°C.
If you like extra cheesy, add grated cheddar cheese to the sauce and a little on top before baking.
You can also mix in other types of seafood, such as salmon, scallops etc.
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