No more wimpy factory barrel!
No more 4 inch groups!
Capable of Sub- MOA accuracy @ 100 yards with factory ammo
Subj: Shooting results Remington 750 Free Float Forearm.
Hello from NC did finally get a chance to test out the new rigid front forearm for my new Remington 750. The results were amazing. Without the solid forearm it would shoot about in a 1 foot circle, you could cover the groupings with a basket ball. Now with the new forearm is shoots 1 inch or better all day long. It took awhile to get the scope to get even close to hitting the paper. I had to install paper and more paper spacers under the scope to get in to bring the shoots up. I have ordered a Burris set of .020 spacers for the Burris Signature rings and hope this allows me to take the paper shims out. Have you run into this problem before? If so what is your solution?All and all I am thrilled with the forearm, and I will send pictures of the grouping as soon as I get the new shims from Burris and get them installed and head back to the range.
I totally believe that the gun will shoot ½ to ¾ inch groups all day long. And they said the Remington 750 won't shoot, also never had a jam or any malfunction as of yet.
Will be back in touch with more info
John [email protected]
Sir,Received my 7600 trigger. Much better than the factory. Have not shot it, but dry fired and I am impressed. I have two more 7600 triggers I plan to send to you for the same treatment.
Thank you,
Wayne Sears [email protected]
Remington 750 Accuracy Packages
The Most Accuracy Available for the Model 750 RiflesREMINGTON 7400 & 750 EXTENDED Operating Handle