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Free Vintage Images

Reusable Art has a collection of copyright free images chosen for crafters by a crafter. These free vintage drawings, paintings, and illustrations have been rescued from old print materials in the hopes that a new generation of artists and art lovers can enjoy them.

All of the images appearing on this site are copyright free and in the public domain in the United States, in countries that are part of the Berne Convention and any country that grants copyrights to artists up to 70 years after their death or 120 after publication when the artist is unknown. They can be used for anything you wish with no restrictions. (You can read more about this on our About Us page.)

Information is provided with each vintage image to research the copyright status in other countries as well as to honor the artists who created them.

Reusable Art has categorized all of the public domain and free vintage images appearing on this site to make them easier for crafters to find. We are excited to be able to honor the original artists as well as let their art enjoy a new purpose.

Let the crafting begin!

Alphabets & Letters

Alphabets & Letters

Cute little letter w drawing with foxes.

Foxy Letter W

Cute little letter w drawing with foxes.

letter C image with flowers and a bee
Letter C with Flowers and a Bee

letter d image with rose
Letter D with Cottage Rose

Animal Images

Animal Images

Trio of foxes black and white drawing

Trio of Foxes

Sweet little public domain drawing of a trio of foxes from a 1911 book.

Vintage drawing of a pair of goats.
Pair of Goats Drawing

sweet young bull drawing
Young Bull Drawing

Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts

Sewing Together

Charming drawing of mother and daughter sewing together. Dates back to a 1907 book on Hungarian folklore.

Basket Parts

Camera with Tripod

Backgrounds & Patterns

Backgrounds & Patterns

golden marbled background

Golden Marbled Background

Vintage cover paper from an old seed catalog. Lovely public domain golden marbled background for your digital and printed art projects.

black and gold endpaper background
Black and Gold Endpaper Background

green leaf endpaper design
Green Leaf Endpaper

Bird Images

Bird Images

Gaggle of geese public domain book illustration.

Gaggle of Geese Drawing

Gaggle of geese public domain book illustration.

Vintage book illustration of a chicken family.
Chicken Family

vintage engraving of a bird with a dramatic tail
Bird with Dramatic Tail

Borders, Vignettes & Page Spacers

Borders, Vignettes & Page Spacers

Lovely page-sized flourish frame with 2 text areas.

Flourish Page Frame

Vintage book cover and flourish page frame. Green canvas background with light green scrollwork with leaves.

vintage door knocker drawing
Vintage Door Knocker Drawing

floral heart bouquet
Floral Heart Bouquet

Building Images

Building Images

entranceway illustration

Entranceway of a Colonial Home

Lovely, vintage black and white illustration of the entranceway of a colonial home.

barrel birdhouse drawing
Barrel Bird House Drawing

barn birdhouse drawing
Barn Birdhouse Drawing

Christmas Images

Christmas Images

Waiting for Santa

Waiting for Santa

Waiting for Santa. A sweet vintage Clapsaddle postcard with two little ones desperately trying to catch Santa. One’s already asleep the other is yawning.

Merry Christmas Sled with Holly Leaves & Berries
A Merry Christmas Sled

Christmas Poinsettia

Clothing & Apparel

Clothing & Apparel

Evening Dress in 1881

Evening dress in 1881 featuring a bodice and jacket pattern from a fashion magazine. The idea of sewing something like this makes me absolutely cringe.

Crown Drawing

Four Lovely Ladies

Fishing Images

Fishing Images

Kids Fishing

A charming little, black and white drawing of a trio of kids fishing. The fishing pole is three times the size of the children. So fun.

Friends Fishing

Creel, Net & Fish

Flower Images

Flower Images

Vintage mixed flowers engraving - public domain and easy to download.

Free Mixed Flowers Drawing

Vintage black and white mixed flowers drawing. Page-sized when printed and ready for coloring.

Full page morning glory plate from 1837.
Morning Glory Plate

Public domain 5-petal flowers drawing.
5-Petal Flowers

Food Images

Food Images

vintage engraving of grapes on the vine

Grapes on the Vine

Public domain, black and white engraving of grapes on the vine from 1867.

pink plume celery drawing
Pink Plume Celery Drawing

vintage cabbage drawing
Vintage Cabbage Drawing

Gardening Images

Gardening Images

Metal Wheelbarrow

Vintage metal wheelbarrow drawing from 1861. A great black and white illustration to use with your own art and creative projects.

wooden wheelbarrow drawing from ReusableArt.com
Wooden Wheelbarrow

Garden Marker

Holiday Images

Holiday Images

floral heart bouquet

Floral Heart Bouquet

An often over-looked, lovely floral heart bouquet done simply in black and white from an 1867 French satire about flowers.

black bat drawing
Black Bat Drawing

Gifts of Nature Vintage Thanksgiving Day Card by Ellent Clapsaddle
Gifts of Nature

Household Items

Household Items

vintage door knocker drawing

Vintage Door Knocker Drawing

What would a book all about Colonial doorways and how the well-to-do visited with each other be if it didn’t include a drawing of a door knocker? This drawing was used as a vignette indicating when the preface of the book began. But, I’m thinking it would look so much better with your family’s name […]

Universal Wringer, an early washing machine
Clothes Washer

Vintage Scissors Drawing

Insects, Bugs & Creepy Crawlies

Insects, Bugs & Creepy Crawlies

A pair of bee visiting a flower stalk.

Bees on Flowers

Public domain drawing of bees on flowers from 1920.

Pair of butterflies, a black and white engraving from 1867.
Pair of Butterflies

blow fly drawing
Blow Fly Drawing

Landscape Images

Landscape Images

Black and white drawing of a flower lined path

Flower Lined Path

Lovely black and white book illustration of a flower lined path in a park-like setting.

Sunset Over Water

Small Mountain Landscape

Music Images

Music Images

Boehm Cylinder Flute Drawing

Boehm Cylinder Flute

The Boehm Cylinder Flute drawing we are sharing with you represents a revolutionary design change in the musical instrument.

Bassoon Drawing

Basset Horn Drawing

Mythology Images

Mythology Images


Such a pretty face in this vintage mermaid drawing from 1888. She is busily tending her hair whilst riding the waves of the sea.

Satyr Drawing

Pandora Releases Trouble

Nautical & Sealife Images

Nautical & Sealife Images

sea turtle

Sea Turtle

Public domain sea turtle drawing from 1911. Black and white scan from an encyclopedia.

pinktail triggerfish
Pinktail Triggerfish

Little Dragonfish
Little Dragonfish Drawing



two little girls feeding chickens

Feeding the Chickens Children’s Drawing

Early 1900s public domain, full-color drawing of 2 little girls feeding the chickens.

Norman Armor

Sleds & Skates

Plant Drawings

Plant Drawings

teasel plant

Teasel Plant

Public domain drawing of a dried teasel plant head; once prized for the manufacture of woolen fabrics.

upright plant sketch
Upright Plant Sketch

Jack in the Pulpit Drawing

School Images

School Images

The Schoolroom

Kindergarten. What a fun time for children. They learn so much, while having fun. This schoolroom drawing depicts a bit of everything they get to explore.

School Drawing

Schoolbook Drawing

Science Images

Science Images

horse skeleton

Horse Skeleton Drawing

Public domain drawing of a horse skeleton with all of the bones labeled.

ape skeleton drawing
Ape Skeleton

human skeleton drawing
Human Skeleton

Sets of Images

Sets of Images

Little Girl & Umbrella Drawing

A little girl examines and umbrella in this vintage drawing.

Sneaking Out Into the Rain

Out in the Rain



carriage clock drawing

Carriage Clock

Vintage black and white carriage drawing from a wonderful book all about time and timepieces.

meridian watch drawing
Meridian Watch

chronograph drawing
Chronograph Drawing

Toy Images

Toy Images

Columbia Bicycle

Small vintage drawing of a penny-farthing or high wheel bicycle.

Bicycle Drawing

Small Toy Top Drawing

Transportation Images

Transportation Images

vintage locomotive drawing

Vintage Locomotive Drawing

Vintage locomotive drawing and advertising image from 1853. Clearly an engraving, this public domain train image would be great as a rubber stamp image.

Bath Chair

Tandem Bike Illustration

Tree Drawings

Tree Drawings

norway spruce pine cones

Norway Spruce Pine Cones

A pair of Norway spruce pine cones on a small branch.

vintage pear tree engraving
Pear Tree Engraving

Apple Tree Drawing

Vintage Maps

Vintage Maps

florida map

Map of Florida

Map of Florida from a 1911 encyclopedia. Not much has changed from today’s map but the population has surely grown.

Vintage Washington Map

Vintage Virginia Map