

Elizabeth Gilbert (author ofĀ Eat, Pray, LoveĀ andĀ Big Magic) tells us that


ā€œIdeas of every kind are constantlyĀ galloping toward us,
constantly pass through us, constantly trying to get our attention.ā€


Maybe your own ideas have been tapping you on the shoulder. . . or maybe that tapping
has turned into a full-fledged nudge?Ā 



If youā€™ve ever dreamed of sharing your story or your ideas, this is the perfect time. Because your individual experiences and expertise have provided you with a unique message to share with the world.Ā 

And your audience wants to hearĀ yourĀ message. . . in your own unique voice.

Itā€™s okay if it all feels like a jumble of ideas, or if you have no clue where to start.Ā 

In fact, thatā€™s the best place to begin your book!Ā 

Hi! Iā€™m Ricki, a book

coach and editor.

Iā€™ll help you bring that message to
lifeā€“and inĀ your own, authenticĀ voice.Ā 

Hereā€™s a resource to get you started.

Find your bookā€™s unique topic (even if you have no idea what you could write about).

In this guide, Iā€™ll share three ways to find the topic for your book. You may not know what it is right now, but thereā€™s definitely a unique and compelling book inside you just waiting to come out into the world.Ā 

Use these three simple techniques to find out what it is!

Grab your FREE guide, 3 Tips to Find Your Book's Topic Today!

How can book coaching help you?

Coaching can support and guide you at each stage of the process, from getting those ideas out of your head (and onto the page), right up to the point where youā€™re ready to publish your manuscript.

Help to get you going:


The key to start writing is having a clear idea of your bookā€™s main topic and the key points to back it up. Having a roadmap helps you know what to write when you sit down to get going each day. It relieves the pressure of ā€œwhat the heck should I say?ā€

Learn more about the BOOK BUILDER session

Help while you write:


Having accountability is THE best way to ensure forward momentum with your writing, so that you actually finish that manuscript in the time you planned.


Help once the manuscript is complete:


Once youā€™ve completed your draft, itā€™s time to take a ā€œbig pictureā€ view of the structure and organization of the book. Are all the parts in place? Does everything included belong in the book? Are there gaps in meaning or tone? A developmental edit looks at all these factors and ensures that the message is as clear and effective as it can possibly be.Ā 

Learn more about the DEVELOPMENTAL EDIT
Need to talk it out?Ā Letā€™s meet and discuss the steps you can take to get that
manuscript going. Weā€™ll see if weā€™re a good fit to work together and get you clear on
what to do next.Ā Sign up here.