Dr. Matthew B. Blaschko
Visual Geometry Group
University of Oxford
Information Engineering Building
Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ
United Kingdom
Voice: +44 1865 283057
Fax: +44 1865 283145
Mobile: +44 7794 871443
I have moved to the École Centrale Paris. Please see my new
I am interested in the interface between machine learning and computer
vision. Areas I have worked on include multiple instance learning, object
detection and localization, multiple kernel learning, structured output
regression, clustering, and taxonomy discovery.
Students Advised:
- Rahtu, E., J. Kannala, and M. B. Blaschko: Learning
a Category
Independent Object Detection Cascade.
International Conference on Computer
Vision (ICCV), 2011.
- Vedaldi, A., M. B. Blaschko, and A. Zisserman: Learning
Equivariant Structured Output SVM Regressors.
International Conference on Computer
Vision (ICCV), 2011.
- Blaschko, M. B.: Branch
and Bound Strategies for Non-maximal
Suppression in Object Detection. International Conference on Energy
Minimization Methods in Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR), 2011.
- Blaschko, M. B., J. A. Shelton, A. Bartels, C. H. Lampert
and A. Gretton:
Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis with Application
to Human fMRI. Pattern Recognition Letters, 32(11):1572-1583,
- Blaschko, M. B., A. Vedaldi and A. Zisserman:
Object Detection and Ranking with Weak Supervision.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference on
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2010)
- Shelton, J. A., M. B. Blaschko, A. Gretton, J. Müller, E. Fischer
and A. Bartels, Similarities in Resting State and Feature-driven Activity:
Non-parametric Evaluation of Human fMRI. NIPS'10 Workshop on Learning and
Planning from Batch Time Series Data, 2010.
- Shelton, J. A., M. B. Blaschko, and A. Bartels: Augmentation of fMRI
Data Analysis using Resting State Activity and Semi-supervised Canonical
Correlation Analysis. Women in Machine Learning Workshop (WiML 2010),
Vancouver, BC, Canada 2010.
- Tuytelaars, T., C. H. Lampert, M. B. Blaschko
and W. Buntine:
Unsupervised Object
Discovery: A
Comparison. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV),
2010. [code;
- Blaschko, M. B., J. A. Shelton and A. Bartels:
Feature-driven fMRI Analyses: Semi-supervised Learning and
Resting State Activity.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Conference on
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2009)
- Blaschko, M. B. and C. H. Lampert: Object
Localization with Global
and Local Context Kernels. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC),
2009. [video]
- Lampert, C. H., M. B. Blaschko and T. Hofmann: Efficient
Search: A Branch and Bound Framework for Object Localization.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
2009. [code;
- Shelton, J. A., M. B. Blaschko, C. H. Lampert and A. Bartels:
Analysis of Human fMRI. Berlin Brain-Computer Interface
Workshop (BBCI), 2009.
- Shelton, J., M. B. Blaschko and A. Bartels: Semi-supervised
Analysis of Human Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. Max
Institute for Biological Cybernetics Tech Report (185) (05
- Lampert, C. H. and M. B.
Blaschko: Structured Prediction
by Joint Kernel Support Estimation. Machine Learning, 77(2-3):249-269,
2009. [doi]
- Blaschko, M. B.: Kernel
Methods in Computer Vision: Object
Localization, Clustering, and Taxonomy Discovery. Doctoral Thesis, Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Awarded by the Technische
Universität Berlin, 2009.
- Blaschko, M. B. and A. Gretton: Learning
Taxonomies by Dependence
Maximization. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference on
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2008), 1-8. (Eds.)
Koller, D., D. Schuurmans, Y. Bengio, L. Bottou (01 2009)
- Lampert, C. H. and M. Blaschko: Joint Kernel
Support Estimation
for Structured Prediction. NIPS 2008 Workshop on "Structured Input -
Structured Output" 2008, 76 (12 2008)
- Blaschko, M. B. and A. Gretton: Taxonomy Inference
Using Kernel
Dependence Measures. Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Tech Report (181) (11 2008)
- Blaschko, M. B. and C. H. Lampert: Learning to
Localize Objects
with Structured Output Regression. Computer Vision: ECCV 2008, 2-15.
(Eds.) Forsyth, D. A., P. H.S. Torr, A. Zisserman, Springer, Berlin,
Germany (10 2008) [Note: Best Student Paper Award;
- Blaschko, M. B., C. H. Lampert and A. Gretton: Semi-Supervised
Laplacian Regularization of Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis.
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European
Conference, ECML PKDD 2008, 133-145. (Eds.) Daelemans, W., B.
Goethals, K. Morik, Springer, Berlin, Germany (08 2008) [doi]
- Blaschko, M. B. and A. Gretton: A Hilbert-Schmidt
Maximization Approach to Unsupervised Structure Discovery.
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Mining and Learning
with Graphs (MLG 2008), 1-3 (07 2008)
- Blaschko, M. B. and C. H. Lampert: Correlational
Clustering. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2008), 1-8, IEEE
Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA (06 2008)
- Lampert, C. H., M. B. Blaschko and T. Hofmann: Beyond
Windows: Object Localization by Efficient Subwindow Search.
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2008), 1-8, IEEE Computer
Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA (06 2008) [Note: Best paper
award; code;
- Lampert, C. and M. B. Blaschko: A Multiple Kernel
Approach to Joint Multi-Class Object Detection. Pattern Recognition:
Proceedings of the 30th DAGM Symposium, 31-40. (Eds.) Rigoll, G.
Springer, Berlin, Germany (06 2008) [Note: Main Award DAGM
2008; doi]
- Blaschko, M. B., T. Hofmann and C. H. Lampert: Efficient
Subwindow Search for Object Localization. Max Planck Institute for
Biological Cybernetics Tech Report (164) (08 2007)
- Blaschko, M. B. and T. Hofmann: Conformal
Multi-Instance Kernels.
NIPS 2006 Workshop on Learning to Compare Examples, 1-6 (12
- Lisin, D. A., M. A. Mattar, M. B. Blaschko, M. C. Benfield and E.
G. Learned-Miller: Combining
Local and Global Image Features for
Object Class Recognition. Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Learning in
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (in conjunction with CVPR),
47 (06 2005) [doi]
- Blaschko, M. B.: Support
Vector Classification of Images with Local
Features. M.S. Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Dept. of
Computer Science (05 2005)
- Blaschko, M. B., G. Holness, M. A. Mattar, D. Lisin, P.
E. Utgoff, A. R. Hanson, H. Schultz, E. M. Riseman, M. E. Sieracki, W.
M. Balch and B. Tupper: Automatic
In Situ Identification of Plankton.
Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE Workshops on Application of Computer
Vision (WACV/MOTION'05), 79 - 86 (01 2005) [doi]
- Shapiro, M. D. and M. B. Blaschko: Stability
of Hausdorff-based
Distance Measures. Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, 1-6
- Shapiro, M. D. and M. B. Blaschko: On
Hausdorff Distance
Measures. University of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science
Dept. Technical report (08 2004)