Due to maintenance, the site is under maintenance thursday (06-03-2025) between 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Any notice/information regarding Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), the candidates should visit official website of RRBs only. Any information/notices being circulated in the social media regarding RRBs may please be ignored.
Candidates are advised to use this helpline to report their grievances regarding exploitation by touts or other malpractices during RRB examinations.
Right to Information (RTI) is an Act of the Parliament of India to provide the practical regime of right to information for citizens.
An Act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, the constitution of a Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
The new notification showing the name of the post, qualification and other details can be seen on this website as well as Rojgar Samachar (Employment News).
At present, RRB invites ‘On-line’ applications. For this, a link is provided on this website. Format of application, vision test certificate, caste certificate, disability certificate, etc. are published in the Centralised Employment Notification itself, which can be referred to on this website as well as in the Employment News.
Read carefully the Employment Notice and Guidelines for filling up the online application given on the registration page before filling-up the form. Make sure that you have filled-in all the required details in the application form. Do not furnish any false/wrong information. For assistance, you can send your query through e-mail to the Helpdesk. Details of the Helpdesk are made available on this website. SC/ST candidates who wish to avail free travel facility are required to upload their caste certificate. Candidate should keep digital photo ready for upload. Passport photograph should conform to the standards mentioned in the Notification. Applications with Black & White, long shot, hazy/unclear photo are rejected. After uploading the photograph, please check your application that the photograph and certificate uploaded are clear.
Do not submit duplicate applications. Duplicate applications/applications to different RRBs for the same post are rejected.
Keep handy the 10th & 12th class marksheets and certificate, caste certificate, disability certificate, etc. while filling online application.
Even after submission of the online application, certain modifications are allowed through ‘modify application’ link on the registration page after payment of necessary fees. For this, may please read the relevant instructions given in the notification.
Rs. 500/- for all candidates, except the fee concession categories mentioned below. Out of this fee of Rs. 500/-, an amount of Rs. 400/- shall be refunded duly deducting bank charges, on appearing in 1st Stage CBT. Rs. 250/- for PwBD / Female / Transgender / Ex-Servicemen candidates and candidates belonging to SC / ST / Minority Communities / Economically Backward Class (with annual income less than Rs. 50,000/-). This fee of Rs. 250/- shall be refunded duly deducting bank charges as applicable on appearing in 1st Stage CBT.
The examination fee can be paid online using Credit/Debit Card, Net Banking or through SBI Branch or any computerized Post Office.
The printed application form is not required to be sent through post.
The schedules of the various examinations are published on this website and also in leading English and Hindi newspaper. Candidates are also informed about the various stages of exam through e-mail & SMS by RRB.
Normally in such situations, you should get in touch with the Helpdesk through e-mail. You can know the status of your application on this website or contact RRB/Ahmedabad on telephone nos. listed in Contact us section of this website.
Since 01/01/2014
Since 01/01/2022
Copyright © 2025, Railway Recruitment Board, Ahmedabad. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated on 07/10/2024