COVID-19 Notice to Guests

To all our Sapp Bros. guests and the communities we serve:

As coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact us all, we want you to know that our customer’s and our teammate’s safety is always our highest priority and at the heart of every decision we make. We are vigilantly monitoring local and national reports of the evolving COVID-19 situation. Sapp Bros. intends to continue to meet the needs and expectations of our customers. Drivers, transporters, and farmers are essential in the delivery of the necessary items our nation relies on to continue to keep moving forward. We are committed to continuing to serve you. With that being said, it is imperative that we all do our part to assist with our nation’s preventative measures of the COVID-19. Along with cancelling any non-essential vendor meetings at our locations, reducing the sizes of our staff meetings, and reviewing protocols should we have an employee that is sick or is exposed to COVID-19, we are taking the following precautions.

In our travel centers we have made these necessary changes:

  • Reviewed proper hand washing and sanitizing procedures with all employees
  • Increased the frequency of hand washing and hand sanitizing by all employees
  • Use colored disposable gloves when handling Money
  • Use clear gloves when handling or preparing food, preparing coffee/cappuccinos, cleaning any food contact surface, sanitizes the food case at the fuel desk and washing the tongs every hour
  • Each time a duty is changed, employees are instructed to change their gloves
  • Self-serve donuts are no longer available
  • Discontinuing the use of refillable mugs and cups at our beverage stations. No outside mugs or cups can be used. We ask all customers to get a new cup for fountain or coffee beverages.
  • Increased the frequency of cleaning any customer touch points (counters, doors/handles, fuel pumps, nozzles, credit card terminals, ATM, rails, tables, chairs, kiosks, etc.)
  • Sanitize customer touch points with bleach solution at least every hour
  • Deep cleaning of showers after every use to include sanitizing with a bleach solution and solution allowed to air dry prior to next use
  • Cleaning the bathrooms minimally every hour to include sanitizing with a bleach solution after cleaning
  • Implementing additional hand sanitizing stations

Our restaurants will remain open as long as the government allows. We are looking to the CDC, FDA and local officials for guidance while navigating these evolving circumstances. We will follow all government mandated occupancy rules. Many states have already limited restaurants to take-out only, which we must abide by. Food options will still be available at our locations. The health and safety of our guests and our teammates has always been part of our culture. We’ve taken extra precautions to ensure that now more than ever.

In our restaurants and fast food locations we have made these necessary changes:

  • Reviewed proper hand washing and sanitizing procedures with all employees
  • Increased the frequency of hand washing and hand sanitizing by all employees. Hand washing will be done every 15 minutes or after handling money.
  • All cups are single use (except coffee). New glasses will be given for any other drinks.
  • All food contact surfaces will be cleaned at least every 30 minutes
  • Removal of anything on the tables (including salt, pepper, ketchup, etc.)
  • Points of sale, soda machines, tea and coffee dispensers will be cleaned every 30 minutes
  • Door handles will be cleaned every 30 minutes at a minimum
  • Employee restrooms will be sanitized every hour
  • Implementing additional hand sanitizing stations

In our service center locations we have made these necessary changes:

  • Shop counters will be disinfected after every customer
  • Reviewed proper hand washing and sanitizing procedures with all employees
  • Increased the frequency of hand washing and hand sanitizing by all employees to every hour
  • Service writers will use blue nitrile gloves for cash handling and will change them frequently
  • Shop restrooms must be cleaned at a minimum every hour with disinfectant
  • Driver waiting areas must be cleaned every hour
  • Door handles and entry doors will be disinfected every 20 minutes
  • Technicians must wear nitrile gloves while performing lock out/tag out on every truck and changes their gloves after every truck
  • Service writers will use blue nitrile gloves for cash handling and will change them frequently
  • Shop restrooms will be cleaned with bleach solution every night
  • Self-serve coffee was removed and we will only serve single dispense coffee
  • Service writers must change gloves and use clear gloves when handling coffee

We’d like to remind all of our guests and teammates to follow the FIVE:

  • 1. HANDS – Wash them often
  • 2. ELBOW – Cough into it
  • 3. FACE – Don’t touch it
  • 4. FEET – Stay more than 6 ft. apart
  • 5. FEEL – Feel sick? Stay home

The core of our mission is excellent customer service. This will not change, even as the situation evolves. While the environment around us in uncertain, we take comfort in the fact that we have a world-class team at Sapp Bros. We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust any actions taken, as necessary, to protect our customers and teammates.

We’re all in this together!

God bless,

Andy Richard